2003 term opinions of the Supreme Court of the United States

2003 term opinions of the Supreme Court of the United States

The table below lists the opinions delivered from the bench by the Supreme Court of the United States during the 2003 Term, which lasted from October 6, 2003, until October 3, 2004. The table illustrates what opinions were filed by each justice in each case, and which justices joined each opinion.

Table key

2003 term opinions

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"McConnell v. Federal Election Commission", [The Court in "McConnell" issued three majority opinions, each dealing with separate issues of the case: one jointly authored by Justices Stevens and O'Connor, one authored by Chief Justice Rehnquist, and one authored by Justice Breyer.] 540 U.S. 93
September 8, 2003
December 10, 2003|||
"Maryland v. Pringle", 540 U.S. 366
November 3, 2003
December 15, 2003
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"Castro v. United States", 540 U.S. 375
October 15, 2003
December 15, 2003
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"Olympic Airways v. Husain", 540 U.S. 644
November 12, 2003
February 24, 2004
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"Banks v. Dretke", 540 U.S. 668
December 8, 2003
February 24, 2004
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"United States Postal Serv. v. Flamingo Indus. (USA) Ltd.", 540 U.S. 736
December 1, 2003
February 25, 2004
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"Muhammad v. Close", 540 U.S. 749|
February 25, 2004
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"Raymond B. Yates, M.D., P.C. Profit Sharing Plan v. Hendon", 541 U.S. 1
January 13, 2004
March 2, 2004
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"Baldwin v. Reese", 541 U.S. 27
December 8, 2003
March 2, 2004
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"Crawford v. Washington", 541 U.S. 36
November 10, 2003
March 8, 2004
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"Iowa v. Tovar", 541 U.S. 77
January 21, 2004
March 8, 2004
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"S. Fla. Water Mgmt. Dist. v. Miccosukee Tribe of Indians", 541 U.S. 95
January 14, 2004
March 23, 2004
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"Household Credit Servs. v. Pfennig", 541 U.S. 232
February 23, 2004
April 21, 2004
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"Engine Mfrs. Ass'n v. S. Coast Air Quality Mgmt. Dist.", 541 U.S. 246
January 14, 2004
April 28, 2004
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"Vieth v. Jubelirer", 541 U.S. 267
December 10, 2003
April 28, 2004
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"Jones v. R. R. Donnelley & Sons Co.", 541 U.S. 369
February 24, 2004
May 3, 2004
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"Dretke v. Haley", 541 U.S. 386
March 2, 2004
May 3, 2004
bgcolor="#93DB70" |
align=center bgcolor="red" |1
bgcolor="#00CD00" |
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"Till v. SCS Credit Corp.", 541 U.S. 465
December 2, 2003
May 17, 2004
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"Tennessee v. Lane", 541 U.S. 509
January 13, 2004
May 17, 2004
align=center bgcolor="red" |1
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align=center bgcolor="#EE9572" |1 ||
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"Thornton v. United States", 541 U.S. 615
March 31, 2004
May 24, 2004
align=center bgcolor="#00CD00" |*
bgcolor="red" | |
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bgcolor="#93DB70" | |
"DOT v. Pub. Citizen", 541 U.S. 752
April 21, 2004
June 7, 2004
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"City of Littleton v. Z. J. Gifts D-4, L.L.C.", 541 U.S. 774
March 24, 2004
June 7, 2004
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"Elk Grove Unified Sch. Dist. v. Newdow", 542 U.S. 1
March 24, 2004
June 14, 2004
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"Pennsylvania State Police v. Suders", 542 U.S. 129
March 31, 2004
June 14, 2004
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"F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd v. Empagran S. A.", 542 U.S. 155
April 26, 2004
June 14, 2004
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"Hiibel v. Sixth Judicial District Court of Nevada", 542 U.S. 177
March 22, 2004
June 21, 2004
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"Aetna Health Inc. v. Davila", 542 U.S. 200
March 23, 2004
June 21, 2004
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align=center bgcolor="#EE9572" |1
"Rumsfeld v. Padilla", 542 U.S. 426
April 28, 2004
June 28, 2004
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"United States v. Patane", 542 U.S. 630
December 9, 2003
June 28, 2004
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align=center bgcolor="red" |1
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"Holland v. Jackson", 542 U.S. 649|
June 28, 2004
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"Ashcroft v. American Civil Liberties Union", 542 U.S. 656
March 2, 2004
June 29, 2004
align=center bgcolor="#EE9572" |2 |
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Associate Justice Sandra Day O'Connor
rowspan=3|Ronald Reagan
September 25, 1981
align=center|93.6% |
Associate Justice David Souter
rowspan=2|George H. W. Bush
October 9, 1990
align=center|78.5% |
Associate Justice Stephen Breyer
August 3, 1994
align=center|80.8% |
colspan=5 bgcolor=#EEEEEE |Notes on statistics:
*A justice is only included in the majority if they joined or concurred in the Court's judgment in full.
*Percentages are based only on the cases in which a justice participated, and are rounded to the nearest tenth of a percent.
*The opinion counts only include the bench opinions listed above; opinions relating to orders and in-chambers opinions are not included.



* [http://www.supremecourtus.gov/opinions/03slipopinion.html Supreme Court slip opinions, 2003 term]

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