- List of air carriers banned in the European Union
The following is a list of air carriers banned in the
European Union . TheEuropean Commission has, through Commission Regulation (EC) No 474/2006 of 22 March 2006, established a list of air carriers banned in the EU (ablacklist ). It includes all air carriers banned within the airspace of member states and air carriers with restrictions imposed on them. The list was most recently updated onJuly 24 ,2008 .Background
The process by which an air carrier is blacklisted is laid out in Regulation (EC) No 2111/2005 of the
European Parliament and Council. It involves consultation between the regulatory agencies of the member states, the institutions of the European Community, the authorities with responsibility for regulatory oversight of the air carrier concerned, and the air carrier itself. Before being listed, each air carrier has right of appeal. The list is subject to periodical review and theEuropean Commission publishes the updated list online. [http://ec.europa.eu/transport/air-ban/pdf/list_en.pdf List of airlines banned in the EU] "European Commission "]The list is part of a process to improve safety standards and identify airlines operating below essential safety levels. The European Union has decided to ban airlines from European airspace when they have been found to be unsafe.
Air carriers that are banned
:"The list was last updated on
July 24 ,2008 "The following are banned (blacklisted) within the
European Community : (ICAO airline designation numbers are added within parentheses if applicable)Angola
TAAG Angola Airlines (DTA)Democratic Republic of the Congo (RDC)
"All air carriers certified by the authorities with responsibility for regulatory oversight of the Democratic Republic of Congo (RDC) are banned."
*Africa One (CFR)
*African Company Airlines (FPY)
*Aigle Aviation
*Air Beni
*Air Boyoma
*Air Infini
*Air Kasai
*Air Navette
*Air Tropiques
*Bel Glob Airlines
*Blue Airlines (BUL)
*Bravo Air Congo
*Business Aviation
*Butembo Airlines
*Cargo Bull Aviation
*Central Air Express (CAX)
*Cetraca Aviation Service (CER)
*CHC Stelavia
* Comair (Note: NOT U.S. Regional Carrier Comair)
*Compagnie Africaine d'Aviation
*CO-ZA Airways
*Doren Aircargo
*Enterprise World Airways (EWS)
*Free Airlines
*Galaxie Corporation
* Global Airways (BSP)
*Goma Express
*Great Lake Business Company
*Hewa Bora Airways
* I.T.A.B. –International Trans Air Business
*Katanga Airways
*Kivu Air
* LAC –Lignes Aeriennes Congolaises (LCG)
*Malu Aviation
*Malift Air (MLC)
*Mango Mat
*Rwabika 'Bushi Express'
*Safari Logistics
*Services Air
*Sun Air Services
*Tembo Air Services
*Thom's Airways
*Christian's Airways
*TMK Air Commuter
*Trans Air Cargo Services
*Transports Aeriennes Congolais , TRACO
*Uhuru Airlines
*Virunga Air Charter
*Wimbi Dira Airways (WDA)
*Zaabu International Equatorial Guinea
"All air carriers certified by the authorities with responsibility for regulatory oversight of Equatorial Guinea are banned."
Air Bas (RBS)
*Air Consul SA (RCS)
*Air Guinea Cargo (GNC)
*Air Maken (AKE)
*Air Services Guinea Ecuatorial (SVG)
*Aviage (VGG)
*Avirex Guinee Equatoriale (AXG)
*Cargo Plus Aviation (CGP)
*CET Aviation (CVN)
* COAGE –Compagnie Aeree de Guinee Equatorial (COG)
*Compania Aerea Lineas Ecuatoguine de Aviacion , SA (LEASA) (LAS)
*Ducor World Airlines (DWA)
* Ecuato Guineana de Aviacion (ECV)
*Ecuatorial Express Airlines (EEB)
*Ecuatorial Cargo (EQC)
*Equatair (EQR)
*Equatorial Airlines , SA (EQT)
*Euroguineana de Aviacion (EUG)
*Federal Air Ge Airlines (FGE)
*Guinee Ecuatorial Airlines (GEASA) (GEA)
* GETRA –Guinea Ecuatorial de Transportes Aereos (GET)
*Jetline Inc. (JLE)
*KNG Transavia Cargo (VCG)
*Litoral Airlines Compania (COLAIR) (CLO)
*Lotus International Air (LUS)
*Nagesa Compania Aerea (NGS)
*Presidencia de la Republica de Guinea Ecuatorial (ONM)
*Prompt Air GE SA (POM)
*Skimaster Guinea Ecuatorial (KIM)
*Skymaster (SYM)
*Southern Gateway (SGE)
*Space Cargo Inc. (SGO)
*Trans Africa Airways (TFR)
*Unifly (UFL)
* UTAGE –Union de Transport Aereo de Guinea Ecuatorial (UTG)
*Victoria Air (VIT)Republic of Gabon
"All air carriers certified by the authorities with responsibility for regulatory oversight of the Republic of Gabon, with the exception of Gabon Airlines and Afrijet, are banned."
* Air Services SA
*Air Tourist (Allegiance)
*Nationale Regionale Transport
*Nouvelle Air Affaires Gabon
*SCD Aviation
*Sky Gabon
*Solenta Aviation Gabon Indonesia
"All air carriers certified by the authorities with responsibility for regulatory oversight of Indonesia are banned."
Adam Air
*Air Pacific Utama
*Airfast Indonesia
*Asco Nusa Air Transport
*Cardig Air
*Deraya Air Taxi
*Garuda Indonesia
*Indonesia AirAsia
*Indonesia Air Transport
*Lion Air
*Mandala Airlines
*Manunggal Air Services
*Merpati Nusantara Airlines
*Pelita Air Service
*Republic Express Airlines
*Riau Airlines
*Sriwijaya Air
*Transwisata Prima Aviation
*Travira Air
*Tri-MG Intra Asia Airlines
*Wings Air Kyrgyzstan
"All air carriers certified by the authorities with responsibility for regulatory oversight of Kyrgyzstan are banned."
Anikay Air (AKF)
*Asia Alpha (SAL)
*Avia Traffic Company (AVJ)
*Bistair-Fez Bishkek (BSC)
*Botir Avia (BTR)
*British Gulf International Airlines (BGK)
*Click Airways (CGK)
*Country International Airlines (CIK)
* Dames (DAM)
*Fab-Air (FBA)
*Galaxy Air (GAL)
*Golden Rule Airlines (GRS)
*Intal Avia (INL)
*Itek Air (IKA)
*Kyrgyz Airways (KGZ)
*Kyrgyz General Aviation (KGB)
*Kyrgyz Trans Avia (KTC)
* Kyrgyzstan Altyn (LYN)
*Kyrgyzstan Airlines (KGA)
*Maxavia (MAI)
*Osh-Avia (OSH)
*Reem Air (REK)
*Sky Gate International Aviation (SGD)
*Sky Way (SAB)
*Sun Light (SUH)
*Tenir Airlines (TEB)
*Trast Aero (TSJ)North Korea
Air Koryo (KOR)Liberia
"All air carriers certified by the authorities with responsibility for regulatory oversight of Liberia are banned."
Silverback Cargo Freighters (VRB)Sierra Leone
"All air carriers certified by the authorities with responsibility for regulatory oversight of Sierra Leone are banned."
Air Rum , Ltd (RUM)
* Bellview Airlines (S/L) Limited (BVU)
*Destiny Air Services , Ltd (DTY)
*Heavylift Cargo
*Paramount Airlines , Ltd (PRR)
*Star Air (SIM)
*Seven Four Eight Air Services Ltd (SVT)
* Teebah AirwaysSudan
* Air West Co. Ltd (AWX)
"All air carriers certified by the authorities with responsibility for regulatory oversight of Swaziland are banned."
Aero Africa (Pty) Ltd (RFC)
*Jet Africa Swaziland (OSW)
* Royal Swazi National Airways Corporation (RSN)
*Scan Air Charter , Ltd
*Swazi Express Airways (SWX)
*Swaziland Airlink (SZL)Ukraine
Ukraine Cargo Airways (UKS)
* Ukrainian Mediterranean Airlines (UKM)
* Volare Aviaition Entreprise (VRE)"Note: Air carriers which are banned (blacklisted) could be permitted to exercise traffic rights by using wet-leased aircraft of an air carrier which is not subject to an operating ban, provided that the relevant safety standards are complied with."
Air carriers with operational restrictions
The following airlines/aircraft have certain operational restrictions within the Community as of
July 24 ,2008 . For each airline below, the aircraft specified are banned:*
Afrijet : Entire fleet except two aircraft of typeDassault Falcon 50 , registrations TR-LGV and TR-LGY, and one aircraft of typeDassault Falcon 900 , registration TR-AFJ
*Air Bangladesh (BGD): One aircraft of type Boeing 747-200, registration S2-ADT
*Comores Air Services (KMD): Entire fleet with the exception of one aircraft of typeLet L-410 , registration D6-CAM
*Gabon Airlines (GBK): Entire fleet with the exception of one aircraft of type Boeing 767-200, registration TR-LHP "Note: Air carriers which have operational restrictions could be permitted to exercise traffic rights by using wet-leased aircraft of an air carrier which is not subject to an operating ban, provided that the relevant safety standards are complied with."See also
*European Aviation Safety Agency
*Joint Aviation Authorities Sources
;Documents establishing the list
* Regulation (EC) No 2111/2005 of the European Parliament and of the Council
* Commission Regulation (EC) No 474/2006 of 22 March 2006;Documents updating the list
* Commission Regulation (EC) No 910/2006 of 20 June 2006 amending Regulation (EC) No 474/2006
* Commission Regulation (EC) No 1543/2006 of 12 October 2006 amending Regulation (EC) No 474/2006
* Commission Regulation (EC) No 235/2007 of 5 March 2007 amending Regulation (EC) No 474/2006("Available at http://europa.eu/")
External links
* [http://ec.europa.eu/transport/air/safety/flywell_en.htm Fly Well portal] at the
European Commission Directorate-General for Energy and Transport
* [http://ec.europa.eu/transport/air-ban/list_en.htm List of airlines banned within the EU] (last updated on 11.04.2008)
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.