Ferris Greenslet

Ferris Greenslet

Ferris Lowell Greenslet (1875, Glens Falls, New York -- 1959, Boston) was an American editor and writer.


Greenslet graduated from Wesleyan University in 1897, and was awarded the Ph.D. by Columbia University in 1900. He was an associate editor of the "Atlantic Monthly", 1902-07. In 1910, he became a literary advisor and director of the Houghton Mifflin Co. publishing firm.


*1900. "Joseph Glanvill-A Study in English Thought and Letters of the Seventeenth Century".
*1903. "The Quest of the Holy Grail".
*1911 (1903). "Walter Pater".
*1905. "James Russell Lowell: His Life and Work".
*1908. "Life of Thomas Bailey Aldrich".
*1943." Under the Bridge: An Autobiography". Houghton Mifflin.
*1945 (with Charles Curtis). "The Practical Cogitator". Houghton Mifflin.
*1946. "The Lowells and Their Seven Worlds". Houghton Mifflin.



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