

Furore is a town and comune in the province of Salerno in the Campania region of south-western Italy. Furore is at the Coast of Amalfi.

External links

* [http://www.comunefurore.it comunefurore.it]

Driving along the Amalfi Drive (SS163), from Positano, pass the Marina di Praia and the Fiord of Furore [1] , continue towards Amalfi. You will find a junction with a left turn towards Agerola, Furore. Driving from Naples, leave the Motorway A3 at Castellammare di Stabia, follow the indications for Gragnano, Pimonte, Agerola, Furore.Driving from the South, Salerno, continue towards Vietri sul Mare and continue along the Amalfi Drive Strada Costiera Aamlfitana, passing trough Cetara, Erchie, Maiori, Minori,Castiglione di Ravello, Atrani, Amalfi, just outside Amalfi at the junction for Positano, turn right towards Agerola, Furore.

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