Susan Phillips

Susan Phillips

Susan Phillips (born June 18, 1949) is a small businessperson and a Republican member of the Missouri House of Representatives. She resides in Kansas City, Missouri, with her husband, Keith Phillips. They have two children, Hannah, and Asher.

She was born in Burlington, Colorado, and graduated from Burlington High School. She went on to attend Atlantic Airline School and Maple Woods Community College of the Metropolitan Community Colleges of Kansas City.

She is a member of the Riverside and Northland Chambers of Commerce, the River of Life Church, the National Federation of Independent Business, Western Missouri's Shooter Alliance, Platte Republican Association, Platte County Federation of Republican Women, and currently serves as Missouri Chair of the American Legislative Exchange Council and Missouri House Sponsor of TeenPact.

She was first elected to the Missouri House of Representatives in a special election in 1999, winning reelection in 2000, 2002, and 2004. She currently sits on the following committees:
*Children and Families (chair),
*Local Government, and
*Workforce Development and Workplace Safety.

Representative Phillips is a conservative Republican, and her primary interests are in legislation limiting abortion rights, especially to minors, and in preventing gay marriage in the state of Missouri. Here is a list of the bills she has sponsored and cosponsored for 2006:

1 HB1271 - GUARDIANSHIP OF MINORS - Phillips, Susan C.HB1271. Allows a court to appoint a standby guardian for a minor and establishes the requirements and proceduresSponsor:. Phillips, Susan C. (32). Proposed Effective Date:. 08/28/2006. CoSponsor:. Pratt, Bryan (55). LR Number:. 4236L.01I. Last Action:. 02/02/2006 -. Referred: Judiciary (H). Calendar:. - Last Modified: 8/1/2006 2:38:03 PM

2 HB1071 - IMMUNIZATIONS FOR CHILDREN - Phillips, Susan C.HB1071. Changes the laws regarding immunizations for children. Sponsor:. Phillips, Susan C. (32). Proposed Effective Date:. 08/28/2006. CoSponsor:. Faith, Sally A. (15). LR Number:. 3736L.01I. Last Action:. 03/02/2006 - Rules - Reported do pass (H). Next Hearing:. Hearing not scheduled. HOUSE BILLS FOR PERFECTION. - Last Modified: 8/1/2006 2:37:09 PM

3 HB1867 - DRIVER'S EDUCATION - Dougherty, CurtHB1867. Requires all public high schools to offer a driver's education course during the regular school year. Sponsor:. Dougherty, Curt (53). Proposed Effective Date:. 08/28/2006. CoSponsor:. Phillips, Susan C. (32). etal.. LR Number:. 5200L.01I. Last Action:. Referred: Elementary and Secondary Education (H). - Last Modified: 8/1/2006 2:40:41 PM

4 HB1539 - HEALTH CARE RIGHTS OF CONSCIENCE ACT - Stevenson, Bryan P.HB1539. Establishes the Health Care Rights of Conscience Act which allows a health care professional to not participate in a health care service that violates his or her conscienceSponsor:. Stevenson, Bryan P. (128). Proposed Effective Date:. 08/28/2006. CoSponsor:. Phillips, Susan C. (32). etal.. House Committee:. - Last Modified: 8/1/2006 2:39:14 PM

5 HB1401 - MISSOURI MEDICAID FRAUD - Sater, DavidHB1401. Provides whistle-blower protections for persons reporting Medicaid fraud. Sponsor:. Sater, David (68). Proposed Effective Date:. 08/28/2006. CoSponsor:. Phillips, Susan C. (32). etal.. LR Number:. 4292L.02I. Last Action:. House Committee:. JUDICIARY. 01/31/2006 - Public hearing completed (H). Next Hearing:. - Last Modified: 8/1/2006 2:38:37 PM

6 HB1279 - JUVENILE COURT JURISDICTION - Kraus, WillHB1279. Changes the age for juvenile court jurisdiction from younger than 15 and one-half years of age to younger than 15 for non-felony traffic ordinance violationsSponsor:. Kraus, Will (48). Proposed Effective Date:. 08/28/2006. CoSponsor:. Phillips, Susan C. (32). 02/21/2006 - Public hearing completed (H). - Last Modified: 8/1/2006 2:38:05 PM

7 HB1254 - INTOXICATION-RELATED TRAFFIC OFFENSES - Schaaf, RobertHB1254. Requires licensed health care providers to notify a law enforcement agency when they examine or treat a person who is intoxicated and reasonably suspect that the person may attempt to operate a carSponsor:. Schaaf, Robert (28). Proposed Effective Date:. 08/28/2006. CoSponsor:. Phillips, Susan C. (32). etal.. - Last Modified: 8/1/2006 2:37:58 PM

8 HB1176 - INHALATION OF SOLVENTS - Nolte, JerryHB1176. Prohibits the use or possession of an alcohol beverage vaporizer. Sponsor:. Nolte, Jerry (33). Proposed Effective Date:. 08/28/2006. CoSponsor:. Phillips, Susan C. (32). etal.. LR Number:. 4021L.01I. Last Action:. 01/19/2006 -. Referred: Crime Prevention and Public Safety (H). Bill currently not on a calendar. - Last Modified: 8/1/2006 2:37:38 PM

9 HB1044 - SEXUAL OFFENSES - Davis, Cynthia L.HB1044. Creates the presumption that a minor younger than 14 years of age who is seeking an abortion is a victim of statutory rape in the first degree and must be reported by the abortion providerSponsor:. Davis, Cynthia L. (19). Proposed Effective Date:. 08/28/2006. CoSponsor:. Phillips, Susan C. (32). 01/19/2006 -. - Last Modified: 8/1/2006 2:37:02 PM

10 HCR2 - No Title - Dempsey, TomHCR2. Joint session for the State of the Judiciary Address.. Sponsor:. Dempsey, Tom (18). Proposed Effective Date:. 08/28/2006. CoSponsor:. LR Number:. 4175L.01I. Last Action:. 01/25/2006 - Escort Committee (H). REPRESENTATIVES DAVIS, FLOOK, PRATT, PHILLIPS,. RUESTMAN, OXFORD, DONNELLY, BLAND, BURNETT AND. STEVENSON. - Last Modified: 8/1/2006 2:41:56 PM

11 HCR45 - MARRIAGE PROTECTION AMENDMENT - Cunningham, JaneHCR45. Urges the United States Congress to approve the Marriage Protection Amendment to the United States Constitution which defines marriage as a union between a man and a woman.Sponsor:. Cunningham, Jane (86). Proposed Effective Date:. 08/28/2006. CoSponsor:. Phillips, Susan C. (32). etal.. LR Number:. 04/19/2006 -. - Last Modified: 8/1/2006 2:42:07 PM

12 HB2115 - ALIMONY AND MAINTENANCE - Ruestman, MarilynHB2115. Permits the termination of alimony and maintenance payments based on a finding that a former spouse is cohabitating with another personSponsor:. Ruestman, Marilyn (131). Proposed Effective Date:. 08/28/2006. CoSponsor:. Phillips, Susan C. (32). etal.. LR Number:. 5540L.01I. Referred: Judiciary (H). - Last Modified: 8/1/2006 2:41:44 PM


*"Official Manual, State of Missouri, 2005-2006." Jefferson City, MO: Secretary of State.
**Missouri House of Representatives Bill Tracking,

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