Guillermo W. Méndez

Guillermo W. Méndez

Guillermo W. Méndez (1955– ) is a Guatemalan theologian [ Professor Méndez participated in writing and publishing projects sponsored by the Latin American Theological Fraternity and the theological commission of The World Evangelical Fellowship, during the 80's. Marta Berberian says: Author Guillermo Méndez is Magister Artium and Master of Sacred Theology, and has worked for over 25 years as a consultant and a professor in higher learning on Economícs, Administration and Theology.] ,educated in Guatemala [ Earned a B. A. at the Central American Theological Seminary with a Work on the Biblical Theology of Work, in 1979. ] ,Central America, and in North America [ Studied at Dallas Theological Seminary and earned a Sacred Theology Master with a work on Augustine's Theory of Interpretation: an Introduction in 1982.] . After two decades serving as a Theology Professor in Guatemala, deeply challenged by Liberation Theology, he researched Law, Economics and Politics [ He also earned a Magister Artium Scientiae degree on Social Sciences majoring on Economics at Universidad Francisco Marroquin. He graduated Suma Cum Laude in 1994. After that he taught Economics at both Catholic Rafael Landivar University and Francisco Marroquin University.] . Former member of the Latin American Theological Fraternity [ As a member of the Fraternidad Teológica Latinoamericana, he became part of its board of directors from 1987 until 1992 ] and the theological commission of The World Evangelical Fellowship, he developed a concern for the poor and engaged in the transformation of the Civil Law system of his native Guatemala [ El Instituto busca la creación de una nueva república en la que sea eliminada la discrecionalidad de la función pública; se prestigie el respeto a los derechos del ser humano; el Estado esté abierto a la fiscalización; se defina, promueva y facilite la identidad nacional y se cultive la igualdad de todos ante la ley. ] , to undermine the privileges of the ruling political class and reform, through political and legal means, the State of Guatemala.

Professor Méndez has proposed the celebration of a national and international day of Freedom of Conscience [El foro trajo a discusión el hecho de que los ciudadanos viven en un mundo en el que la libertad ha sido secuestrada en nombre de la ley; lo que obliga a las personas a jugarle la vuelta a la ley y eso les crea problemas de conciencia, explicó Méndez.] , a celebration growing since 2003 in Guatemala, to call attention to the intromission of the legal system in matters of conscience, and to rethink the participation of Christians in political and social change. Founder of the Institute of Services to the Nation (ISN), a private funded civic organization registered in the Supreme Electoral Tribunal, ISN teaches and organizes population for change from a Judeo Christian perspective. Professor Méndez team teaches History of Religion in Universidad Francisco Marroquín, Guatemala.


Author of:
* [Una Vida con Responsabilidad", nuevo libro de Guillermo W. Méndez López. Fue publicado en Guatemala en el 2005 por Editorial Ha Aretz. Tiene un formato similar al libro de Rick Warren y sus 40 días, pero con un contenido diferente. En sus 339 páginas presenta un mini estudio para grupos pequeños. ]

Contributor to:
* [ .] .
* [ [ - Worship: Adoration and Action D. A. Carson (ed), Tyndale Consultations No. 5 ] ] .


* B. A. Central American Theological Seminary (1978)
* S. T. M. Dallas Theological Seminary (1982)
* M. A. S. Universidad Francisco Marroquín (1994)


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