

Hoff may refer to:

*Benjamin Hoff, author whose works are influenced by Taoism
*Bobby Hoff, professional poker player
*Chester 'Chet' Hoff, left-handed American baseball pitcher
*Christian Hoff, American actor
*Christina Hoff Sommers, American author of feminist and sociological studies
*David Hasselhoff, sometimes referred to as 'The Hoff'
*Drummer Hoff, a children's book
*Ebbe Hoff, medical doctor who researched into neurology, substance abuse and diving medicine
*Harry Hoff, English novelist who wrote under the name William Cooper
*Jacobus van't Hoff, winner of the first Nobel Prize in chemistry
*Kathryn 'Katie' Hoff, US swimmer
*Marcian Hoff, Intel executive and co-inventor of the microprocessor
*Philip H. Hoff, lawyer and Governor of Vermont
*Rayner Hoff, Australian sculptor
*Ron van der Hoff, Olympic archer from the Netherlands
*Syd Hoff, American children's author and cartoonist

*Hoff stone church, a Norwegian church that survives from the 11th century
*Hoff Township, Minnesota
*Hoff, Cumbria, Northern England
*Van't Hoff crater, a crater on the Moon

*Van 't Hoff factor, a formula used in physical chemistry

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