

kibbutz_name = Zar'it
foundation = 1967
founded_by = Moshav residents from the Galilee
region = Galilee
council = Ma'ale Yosef
industry =
affiliation = Moshavim Movement
website =

Zar'it ( _he. זרעית) is an moshav in northern Israel. Located in the Upper Galilee near the Lebanese border, it falls under the jurisdiction of Ma'ale Yosef Regional Council. In 2006 it had a population of 250.

The moshav was established in 1967 by moshav residents from the Galilee as part of Operation Sof Sof, designed to strengthen Jewsih presence in the Galilee. It was initially named Kfar Rosenfeld ("Rosenfeld Village") after American philanthropist William Rosenfeld. However, the foreign sounding name of the village didn't sit well with its residents, so as a compromise, Yehuda Ziv, the head of community naming suggested an acronym incorporating Rosenfeld's name within a Hebrew word, Zar'it (Zakhar Rosenfeld Imanu Yashar Tamid, lit. "Rosenfeld's memory will be with us always").

The village was the site of Hezbollah's initial attack in the 2006 Lebanon War, and was subject to several rocket attacks.

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