

Infobox City
official_name = Terque, Spain
nickname =
motto =

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subdivision_type = Municipality
subdivision_name = Almería
leader_title = Mayor
leader_name = Baldomero Cadenas Giralt (PSOE)
established_title =
established_date =
area_magnitude =
area_total_km2 = 16
area_total_sq_mi = 6.2
area_land_km2 =
area_land_sq_mi =
area_water_km2 =
area_water_sq_mi =
area_water_percent =
area_urban_km2 =
area_urban_sq_mi =
area_metro_km2 =
area_metro_sq_mi =
population_as_of = 2005
population_note =
population_total = 464
population_metro =
population_urban =
population_density_km2 = 29.0
population_density_sq_mi = 75.1
timezone = CET
utc_offset = +1
timezone_DST = CEST
utc_offset_DST = +2
latd=36 |latm=59 |lats= |latNS=N
longd=2 |longm=35 |longs= |longEW=W
elevation_m = 300
elevation_ft = 990
website =
footnotes =
Terque is a municipality of Almería province, in the autonomous community of Andalusia, Spain.


Demography 7col|400px
Source: [http://www.ine.es INE (Spain)]

External links

* [http://www.juntadeandalucia.es/institutodeestadistica/sima/htm/sm04091.htm Terque] - Sistema de Información Multiterritorial de Andalucía
* [http://i1.dipalme.org/Servicios/Municipios/pueblos.nsf/terque.html Terque] - Diputación Provincial de Almería
* [http://www.terque.com Terque message board]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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