Kunsthalle Mannheim

Kunsthalle Mannheim

The Kunsthalle Mannheim is a museum of modern and contemporary art, established in 1909 and located in Mannheim, Germany. The building designed by Hermann Billing was erected as a temporary structure to serve an "International Art Exhibition" of 1907, commemorating the 300th anniversary of the foundation of the city. Originally meant to be torn down after this exhibition, the building was transformed into a municipal art gallery which since then housed the city's art collections as well as temporary exhibitions - and up to 1927 those of the local "Kunstverein" as well as its administration.



* Buderer, Hans-Jürgen, & Hille, Karoline: "Entartete Kunst - Beschlagnahmeaktionen in der Städtischen Kunsthalle Mannheim 1937", Städtische Kunsthalle Mannheim 1987 (Kunst + Dokumentation 10) ISBN 3-89165-046-9, second revised edition ISBN 3-89165-066-3
* Dorn, Roland (et alt.): "Stiftung und Sammlung Sally Falk", Städtische Kunsthalle Mannheim 1994 (Kunst + Dokumentation 11) ISBN 3-89165-045-0
* Ellrich-Schumann, Christine: "Eine Kunstsammlung entsteht. Die Entwicklungsgeschichte der städtischen Kunstsammlung in der Kunsthalle Mannheim von ihren Anfängen bis zum Jahre 1933", Gardez! Verlag, St. Augustin 1997 ISBN 3-928624-56-3
* Scotti, Roland: "Die "Internationale Kunst-Ausstellung" 1907 in Mannheim", Städtische Kunsthalle Mannheim 1985 (Kunst + Dokumentation 9) ISBN 3891650388

External links

* [http://www.kunsthalle-mannheim.com/ Kunsthalle Mannheim] , official webpage

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