Zaleucus — (ou Zaleucos) est un philosophe et législateur grec des Locriens (peuple d Italie), vivant au VIIe siècle av. J. C.. Son existence est mise en doute par les historiens. Il aurait vécu à Locres Epizéphyrienne dans la première moitié du… … Wikipédia en Français
ZALEUCUS — Locrensis Legislator, vinum aegris prohibuit iniussu Medici, poenâ capitis inditâ. Aelian. l. 2. c. 37. Val. Max. l. 6. c. 5. ex. ext. 3. de eo narrat, quod cum eius fil. adulterii crimine damnatus, secundum ius ab ipso constitutum utrôque oculô… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
ZALEUCUS — law giver of the ancient Locrians, a Greek people settled in Lower Italy, and who flourished in 700th century B.C.; had a supreme respect for law, and was severe in the enforcement of it; punished adultery with the forfeiture of sight; refused … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia
Zaleucos — Zaleucus Zaleucus (ou Zaleucos) est un philosophe et législateur grec des Locriens (peuple d Italie), vivant au VIIe siècle av. J. C.. Son existence est mise en doute par les historiens. Il aurait vécu à Locres Epizéphyrienne dans la première… … Wikipédia en Français
ЗАЛЕВК — • Zaleucus, Ζάλευκος, законодатель Эпизефирских локров, живший, вероятно, около середины 7 в. до Р. X., о его жизни нам ничего неизвестно; его часто смешивали с другими законодателями, особенно с Харондом. Он, вероятно, первый дал… … Реальный словарь классических древностей
Sumptuary law — Sumptuary laws (from Latin sumptuariae leges ) are laws which attempt to regulate habits of consumption. Black s Law Dictionary defines them as Laws made for the purpose of restraining luxury or extravagance, particularly against inordinate… … Wikipedia
Le Primatice — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Primaticcio (homonymie). L Enlèvement d Hélène, 1530 1539 Francesco Primaticcio, dit … Wikipédia en Français
Charondas — Caronda, Antichissimo legislatore d Italia, istituiva in questa sua città nel settimo secolo avanti Cristo il primo celebrato ginnasio condotto da uomini liberi a spese dello Stato. Poche leggi dava e molte norme di pubblico e privato costume… … Wikipedia
Gerace — • Diocese in the province of Reggio in Calabria (Southern Italy) Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Gerace Gerace † … Catholic encyclopedia
Diocles of Syracuse — was a legislator, orator, and political and military leader in the Greek city state of Syracuse toward the end of the 5th century BC.[1] Only a few years of his life have an historical account, from 413 to 408 BC. Contents 1 Orator 2 Democratic… … Wikipedia