- Gianmario Roveraro
Gianmario Roveraro (born
May 24 1936 – died ?July 5 ,2006 ) was an Italianbanker who foundedAkros Finanziaria . He went missing on July 5, 2006 following anOpus Dei meeting. It is thought that he waskidnap ped, although no ransom was made. He contacted his family twice: once to call his wife and tell her he had to resolve an issue inAustria and later to request 1 millioneuro s. He was interviewed about the collapse of Italian food giantParmalat , following its collapse in 2003.His badly beaten body was found near
Parma onJuly 21 ,2006 . Police suspect the murder may be related to a business deal and three suspects have been arrested.In the 1950s, Roveraro was Italy's best
high jump er. He won three national titles (1954, 1955, 1956), improved the national record three times, and competed at the1956 Summer Olympics , placing 23rd.See also
Roberto Calvi External links
* [http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/europe/article691063.ece "Banker in food scandal is found dead after Opus Dei meeting"] , "
The Times ",July 22 ,2006
* [http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/5203172.stm BBC news account of the discovery of Roveraro's body]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.