

Ishtabhrity is the offering of something for the nourishment of the Ideal. It is this that makes one’s initiation alive.

Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra says, “ The first oblation to Him in daily life, offered with the united eagerness of body and mind being concentric in the Ideal, with desire for earning only in order to feed Him, is called Istabhrity”.

It is a fact that if one follows this practice with adherence and regard, failure can never come into his life. Early each morning after meditation and repetition of the Holy Name, and before eating or drinking anything, one should offer as much as he can. Carefully saving up his oblations, he should sent them on the thirtieth day to the place of the Lord.

Ishtabhrity, He says, is our most powerful means of resisting the forces of cataclysm.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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