

To infuse one’s Ideal-heartedness into others is called yaajan. To try for one’s own upliftment while neglecting that of others brings failure in life. In Yaajan the Ideal is central, for it is only through Him that Dharma can be offered to others. To offer Dharma means to teach the principles of life and lift, and the embodiment of life and growth is the Ideal- the greatest fulfiller.

The main function of yaajan is to form in man a link of unfailing love for Him through service, sympathy and discussion. Yaajan activates all parts of the brain and dissolves the knot of obsessions. Through Ideal-centric words and activity, a man’s regard and devotion grow. All his scattered feelings, ideas and reasonings become adjusted towards the one Ideal, as a result his common sense develops.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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