

Sonya, pronounced SOHN-yah or SAWN-yah, is a popular feminine given name. Sonya and its variations are occasionally found as surnames in England and the American eastern seaboard.

First Name

The feminine first name Sonya derives from the Greek name Sophia, which is also the Greek word for wisdom. Sonya was originallyFact|date=February 2008 a Russian form of Sophia, but it is now also widely used in English speaking countries.

The name appears in multiple languages including English, Bulgarian, Russian, Romanian, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Hindi, Hungarian, German, Scandinavian, Finnish, Slovene, Serbian and Indian.

Sonya has many variant spellings and related name forms, among them Sohnia, Sohnnja, Sondja, Sondya, Sonja, Sonje, Sonni, Sonnie, Sonnja, and Sonia. Sonya is variant of Sophia (Greek) which has 18 variant forms: Saffi, Sofia, Sofie, Soficita, Sofka, Sofy, Sofya, Sonia, Sonja, Sonnie, Sonya, Sophey, Sophie, Sophy, Zofia, Zofi, Zofya, and Zosia.

Sonya is a popular female first name, ranking 339 out of 4,275 for females of all ages listed in the 1990 U.S. Census.Fact|date=February 2008

Last Name

Sonya is a rare surname as it was not ranked for people of all ages in the 1990 U.S. Census. The spelling Sonya is of English descent. Spelling variations include: Sonning, Sonnin, Sonin, Soning, Sunning, Sunin, Souning, Sounin, Sonninges, Somin, Somings, and many more. The surname Sonya was first located in Berkshire where they were anciently seated as Lords of the Manor. Some of the first American settlers named Sonya or some of its variants migrated in the mid-17th century to the eastern seaboard. Migrants eventually settled in Newfoundland, Maine, Virginia, The Carolinas, and the islands.

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