XSS 11

XSS 11

Name = XSS-11

Caption = XSS-11 computer model
Organization = AFRL
Major_Contractors = Lockheed Martin
Bus =
Mission_Type = Technology demonstrator
Flyby_Of =
Satellite_Of = Earth
Orbital_Insertion_Date =
Orbits =
Decay =
Launch = April 11, 2005
Launch_Vehicle =
Carrier_Rocket = Minotaur I
Launch_Site = Vandenberg AFB
Mission_Duration =
NSSDC_ID = 2005-011A
Webpage =
Mass = kg to lb|100|abbr=yes
Power =
Batteries =
Orbit_regime = Low Earth orbit
Longitude =
Semimajor_Axis =
Eccentricity = 0.002487906
Inclination = 98.8°
Orbital_Period = 102.1 min
Apoapsis = km to mi|875|abbr=yes
Periapsis = km to mi|839|abbr=yes
Orbits Daily =
Repetitivity =
Main_Instruments =
Transponders =
Coverage =
Resolution =
Swath =
Spectral_Band =
Data_rate =
IMG_Resolution =

XSS-11 (eXperimental Satellite System-11) was a small, low-cost spacecraft developed by the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory’s Space Vehicles Directorate to test technology for proximity operations. In particular, the satellite was designed to test the feasibility of in-space repair, inspection, and reconnaissance. The spacecraft was also designed to test systems that would allow spacecraft to maneuver autonomously.

XSS-11 was built by Lockheed Martin and weighed 125 kg with an excess of 600 m/s delta v. XSS-11 was launched into Low Earth Orbit on April 11, 2005 on a Minotaur rocket and remained in orbit for over eighteen months.

External links

* [http://www.space.com/businesstechnology/050722_XSS-11_test.html Space.com News]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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