Babylon Squared

Babylon Squared

Infobox Television episode
Title = Babylon Squared
Series = Babylon 5

Babylon 4 reappears.
Caption =
Season = 1
Episode = 20
Airdate = 10 August 1994
Production = 118
Writer = J. Michael Straczynski
Director = Jim Johnston
Guests = Kent Broadhurst (Major Krantz)
Tim Choate (Zathras)
Denise Gentile (Lise Hampton)
Episode list = List of "Babylon 5" episodes
Prev = A Voice in the Wilderness
Next = The Quality of Mercy

"Babylon Squared" is an episode from the first season of the science-fiction television series "Babylon 5".


There are two major plot lines in this episode. Babylon 4 has returned and needs help. Delenn visits the Grey Council.

Unusual tachyon emissions have been detected in sector 14, which is under Babylon 5's jurisdiction. A Starfury [callsign Alpha Seven] is sent to check it out. On arrival the pilot sees a ship start to appear in front of him but just as he recognizes it, there is a flash. Several hours later the Starfury returns to Babylon 5 but the pilot doesn't answer any hails. An investigation of the ship reveals that the pilot was killed due to rapid aging but before dying he managed to scrape B4 into his harness buckle. Reference to the historical records reveals that the tachyon emissions are in the same location that Babylon 4 disappeared from 4 years ago. Soon after, the crew receives a distress signal from Babylon 4. The computer confirms that the message’s secure code matches Babylon 4’s secure code. The date stamp of the message is from 4 years ago. The commander of B4 requests evacuation. Sinclair and Garibaldi lead a convoy of transports, complete with fighter escort, to B4 in response.

Delenn leaves Babylon 5 on her own to rendezvous with a large Minbari ship in a remote sector. Once on board she participates in a meeting of the Grey Council. They inform her that she will be the next leader to replace Dukhat. She insists that she cannot lead because she is still needed at Babylon 5 because of the prophecy.

The Babylon 5 ships have reached Babylon 4. To reach Babylon 4 they must enter a distortion field. Sinclair meets Major Lewis Krantz who was assigned to supervise the final stages of construction. Sinclair explains that he’s from Babylon 5 and that it’s the year 2258. Major Krantz tells him that the entire station has come unstuck in time, and that its crew have been experiencing 'flashes' that send them forward or backward in time for a short while.

Delenn refuses to become leader even though no one has ever refused before. She feels she has a part to play in the change that is coming.

Evacuation of Babylon 4 continues. Sinclair and Garibaldi meet Zathras, an alien of a race they don’t recognize. He appeared on Babylon 4 just as its problems began. Zathras initially recognises Sinclair, but then declares that he’s not the One. Zathras is looking for the One to help him. Under interrogation, Zathras says that his group intends to take the biggest of all the Babylon stations through time to assist the One in a great war. In a corridor outside, a person in a blue environmental suit appears. Zathras declares this to be the One. Zathras explains that the One has briefly stopped the taking of Babylon 4 so that the crew may leave. When Sinclair tries to take the One’s hand he is hurled away by an unseen force. Zathras runs to the One and hands over a device saying that it is fixed. The One disappears.

Delenn explains to the council that she is studying the humans because of Valen’s prophecy. The council warns her that to continue her studies she can no longer be on the council and may even become outcast. The council votes by a narrow margin to let her remain on Babylon 5.

Zathras explains that he gave the One a time stabilizer to help him make the jump through time. Because Zathras gave his stabilizer to the One, he will die. Zathras cannot leave Babylon 4 because he will be in the wrong time and he will die. Krantz vows to take Zathras with him as he is evidence of what happened. As they head to the docking area, Zathras is pinned by a falling structure. Sinclair tries to stay and free him, but Zathras tells him that he has a destiny and begs him to go. Garibaldi and Sinclair leave Babylon 4, board the last transport, and flee the station, just as it begins to disappear. On B4, the One removes his helmet and it is Sinclair, but much older. He informs someone, who apparently sounds like Delenn, that he tried to warn them, but it all happened just as he remembered.

Delenn leaves knowing she will never again see the inner chamber of the Grey Council. She receives a Triluminary from a member of the Grey Council. He believes she will need it. He tells her that he will be there if she needs him.

Arc significance

Another perspective behind the events of "Babylon Squared" is seen in the third season episode "War Without End."
* Babylon 4 was stolen by people from another time, although it was not clear during this episode whether those people are from the past or the future. It seems Sinclair was somehow behind this. It was stolen to act as a base of operations in a war being fought between forces of light and darkness, which would be revealed in War Without End.
* Introduces the character of Zathras.
* Introduces the concept of "the One".
* Delenn receives a triluminary, which will be used in the season finale episode Chrysalis
* The Grey Council is shown for the first time.

Production details

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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