Number Two (film) — Number Two Directed by Jean Luc Godard Produced by Georges de Beauregard Jean Pierre Rassam … Wikipedia
Tea for Two (film) — was augmented with tunes by other composers. ynopsisSet in the Roaring Twenties, the story centers on Nanette Carter, a Westchester socialite with show business aspirations. She offers to invest $25,000 in a Broadway show if her boyfriend,… … Wikipedia
Film Daily — The Film Daily was a daily publication that existed from 1915 to 1970. For 55 years, Film Daily was the main source of news on the film and television industries. It covered the latest trade news, film reviews, financial updates, information on… … Wikipedia
Film canon — is the limited group of movies that serve as the measuring stick for the highest quality in the genre of film. Criticism of canonsThe idea of a film canon has been attacked as elitist. Thus some movie fans and critics prefer to simply compile… … Wikipedia
Film speed — is the measure of a photographic film s sensitivity to light, determined by sensitometry and measured on various numerical scales, the most recent being the ISO system. A closely related ISO system is used to measure the sensitivity of digital… … Wikipedia
Film-out — is the process in the computer graphics, video and filmmaking disciplines of transferring images or animation from videotape or digital files to a traditional celluloid film print. Film out is a broad term that encompasses the conversion of frame … Wikipedia
Two friends (film) — Two friends est le premier long métrage de Jane Campion. Réalisé en 1986, il a été présenté la même année au Festival de Cannes, dans la section Un certain regard [1]. Sommaire 1 Synopsis 2 Résumé … Wikipédia en Français
Two Face — ist eine fiktive Figur im Besitz von Time Warner, die in Comics des US amerikanischen Verlages DC auftritt, insbesondere in jenen des Batman Segments des Verlages. Darüber hinaus hat der Charakter eine gewisse popkulturelle Bedeutung und… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Two-Face — ist eine fiktive Figur an der der US amerikanische Unterhaltungskonzern Time Warner die Rechte hält. Der Charakter ist die Hauptfigur einer Reihe von Comicpublikationen im Programm des zu Time Warner gehörenden Verlages DC Comics und hat ferner… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Two days in Paris — (Deux jours à Paris) est un film réalisé par Julie Delpy et sorti en France le 11 juillet 2007. Sommaire 1 Synopsis 2 Fiche technique 3 Distribution … Wikipédia en Français