- The Bonnie J. Addario A Breath Away From The Cure Foundation
Bonnie J. Addario A Breath Away From The Cure (ABAFTC) Foundation is a foundation created to eradicatelung cancer through research, screening, education, prevention and treatment. It is made up of volunteers, people in the medical profession, and lung cancer survivors who share a common goal to generate awareness about lung cancer.Research funding
ABAFTC provides funding for lung cancer research, screening, education, prevention and treatment. The Foundation is one of the only private providers of lung cancer research and community outreach programs.
The Foundation was founded on
March 6 ,2006 , the same dayDana Reeve , died from lung cancer. Bonnie J. Addario, a lung cancer survivor, decided it was time to declare lung cancer a national health epidemic. This Foundation was formed in response to the fact that lung cancer remains the most under-funded and under-researched cancer. In 2005, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) spent $204 million on breast and cervical cancer research, but not a cent on lung cancer.External links
* [http://www.abreathawayfromthecure.org The Bonnie J. Addario A Breath Away From The Cure Foundation]
* [http://www.lungblog.com ABAFTC's Lung Cancer LungBlog]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.