Rockers MC

Rockers MC

The Rockers MC (Rockers Motor Club) was a "puppet club" of one of the Montreal, Canada chapters of the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club. Its members were bikers who participated in the Quebec Biker war and also served the members of the Hells Angels Nomads chapter and other chapters ["Wise Guy Wally's website - org chart"] ] in Quebec.

The gang was created on March 26, 1992 and was primarily active in the Montreal area.

Members of the group were arrested in the 2001 "Operation Springtime" by Quebec authorities. Various members were subsequently tried and pled guilty to various charges of gangsterism.

A second Rockers chapter was created in 2000, when the Death Riders MC of Laval became the Rockers North Chapter. This followed the murder of Club Godfather, Normand "Biff" Hamel, a member of the Hells Angel Nomad chapter in the Quebec Biker war. The organization is considered active mostly in the Laval and Laurentians region.


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