Palmar branch of the median nerve

Palmar branch of the median nerve

Infobox Nerve
Latin = ramus palmaris nervi mediani
GraySubject = 210
GrayPage = 938

Caption = Nerves of the left upper extremity.

Caption2 = Superficial palmar nerves.
Innervates =
BranchFrom = median nerve
BranchTo =
MeshName =
MeshNumber =
DorlandsPre = r_02
DorlandsSuf = 12691347
The palmar branch of the median nerve is a branch of the median nerve which arises at the lower part of the forearm.


It pierces the palmar carpal ligament, and divides into a lateral and a medial branch;
* The "lateral branch" supplies the skin over the ball of the thumb, and communicates with the volar branch of the lateral antibrachial cutaneous nerve.
* The "medial branch" supplies the skin of the palm and communicates with the palmar cutaneous branch of the ulnar.

Clinical significance

Unlike most of the median nerve innervation of the hand, the palmar branch travels superficial to the Flexor retinaculum of the hand. Therefore, this portion of the median nerve usually remains functioning during carpal tunnel syndrome.cite book |author=Ellis, Harold; Susan Standring; Gray, Henry David |title=Gray's anatomy: the anatomical basis of clinical practice |publisher=Elsevier Churchill Livingstone |location=St. Louis, Mo |year=2005 |pages=700 |isbn=0-443-07168-3 |oclc= |doi=]



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