

Infobox Journal

discipline = Literature, Spanish
language = English, Spanish, others
abbreviation = SIR
website =
publisher = Johns Hopkins University Press
country = USA
history = 2004 to present
ISSN = 1548-6400

"Sirena: Poetry, Art and Criticism" is an international and multilingual academic journal of poetry and art, founded in 2004 by Dr. Jorge R. Sagastume, from Dickinson College. After a feature article published in "The Chronicle of Higher Education", the Johns Hopkins University Press (JHUP) approached the college to offer the distribution of the journal, and ever since it has been published and distributed by the JHUP. "Sirena" has published in over twenty languages; it uniqueness resides in the fact that every poem appears in its original (if not English or Spanish) with facing translations into English and Spanish. The journal has published poets such as Günter Grass, Günter Kunert, Adrian Mitchell, Clara Janés, Homero Aridjis, and many other renown poets. "Sirena" appears biannually, in March and October.

The journal publishes critical essays on poetry, art, and translation studies as well as book reviews. Essays attempt to bring together the multifaceted perspectives of the journal to deepen understanding and appreciation of the art and poetry presented therein. The editor is Dr. Jorge R. Sagastume of Dickinson College, where the publication was founded.

The journal is published biannually in March and October. The average length of an issue is 160 pages.

External links

* [ Editor biography]
* [ Sirena at Project MUSE]

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