Louis François Auguste Souleyet

Louis François Auguste Souleyet

Louis François Auguste Souleyet (1811–1852) was a French zoologist and naval surgeon.

Souleyet was naturalist-surgeon on the voyage of "La Bonite", which circumnavigated the globe between February 1836 and November 1837 under Auguste Nicolas Vaillant (1793-1858). In the Pacific he studied marine molluscs. After the death of Joseph Fortuné Théodore Eydoux (1802-1841), Souleyet completed the zoological section of the voyage's official report.

Souleyet died of yellow fever in Martinique.

He named a number of marine molluscs and fish, and he is himself commemorated in the scientific name of the Streak-headed Woodcreeper, "Lepidocolaptes souleyetii", named for him by DesMurs.

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