List of compositions by Mauro Giuliani

List of compositions by Mauro Giuliani

*"Metodo", op. 1 (guitar) c. 1812
*"Variazioni", op. 2 (guitar) c. 1810
*"Tre Rondò", op. 3 (guitar) c. 1811
*"Variazioni", op. 4 (guitar) c. 1810
*"Rondò", op. 5 (guitar) c. 1810
*"Variazioni", op. 5 (guitar) c. 1815
*"Variazioni", op. 6 (guitar) c. 1828
*"Variazioni", op. 7 (guitar) c. 1807
*"Tre Rondò", op. 8 (guitar) c. 1826
*"Variazioni", op. 9 (guitar) c. 1810
*"Divertimenti", op. 10 (guitar) c. 1826
*"Capriccio", op. 11 (guitar) c. 1810
*"Dodici Monferrine", op. 12 (guitar) c. 1825
*"Tre Romanze", op. 13 (voice & guitar)
*"Sei Rondò", op. 14 (guitar) c. 1811
*"Sonata", op. 15 (guitar) c. 1812
*"Raccolta", op. 16 (guitar) c. 1810
*"Sedici Landler", op. 16 (two guitars) c. 1811
*"Tre Rondò", op. 17 (guitar) c. 1813
*"Pot Pourri", op. 18 (guitar) c. 1808
*"Tre Rondò", op. 18 (guitar)
*"Serenata", op. 19 (violin, cello & guitar) c. 1810
*"Variazioni", op. 20 (guitar) c. 1810
*"Dodici Valzer", op. 21 (guitar) c. 1811
*"Tre Romanze", op. 22 (voice & guitar or pianoforte), c. 1810
*"Dodici Valzer", op. 23 (guitar) c. 1811
*"Variazioni", op. 24 (violin & guitar), c. 1811
*"Duo Concertante", op. 25 (violin & guitar)
*"Pot Pourri", op. 26 (guitar) c. 1810
*"Romanza", op. 27 (voice & guitar or pianoforte), c. 1811
*"Pot Pourri", op. 28 (guitar) c. 1811
*"Divertimenti", op. 29 (guitar) c. 1828
*"Concerto", op. 30 (guitar & orchestra), c. 1812
*"Pot Pourri", op. 31 (guitar) c. 1811
*"Variazioni", op. 32 (guitar) c. 1810
*"Dodici Scozzesi", op. 33 (guitar)
*"Variazioni", op. 34 (guitar) c. 1810
*"Grandi Variazioni Concertanti", op. 35 (two guitars) c. 1833
*"Gran Concerto", op. 36 (guitar & orchestra), c. 1812
*"Gran Concerto", op. 36 (guitar & pianoforte), c. 1824
*"Divertimenti", op. 37 (guitar)
*"Variazioni", op. 38 (guitar) c. 1812
*"Sei Cavatine", op. 39 Canto e Chitarra
*"Divertimenti", op. 40 (guitar) c. 1816
*"Aria Variata", op. 41 (guitar) c. 1812
*"Pot Pourri", op. 42 (guitar) c. 1811
*"Raccolta", op. 43 (guitar) c. 1813
*"Dodici Landler ", op. 44 (guitar) c. 1811
*"Variazioni", op. 45 (guitar) c. 1811
*"Raccolta", op. 46 (guitar) c. 1812
*"Variazioni", op. 47 (guitar) c. 1812
*"Ventiquattro Studi", op. 48 (guitar) c. 1811
*"Variazioni", op. 49 (guitar) c. 1813
*"Le Papillon", op. 50 (guitar)
*"Ventotto Lezioni Progressive", op. 51 (guitar)
*"Gran Duetto Concertante", op. 52 (flute or violin & guitar), c. 1812
*"Grande Pot Pourri", op. 53 (flute or violin & guitar)
*"Raccolta", op. 54 (guitar), c. 1816
*"Dodici Landler ", op. 55 (guitar)
*"Divertimenti", op. 56 (guitar) c. 1817
*"Dodici Valzer", op. 57 (guitar) c. 1817
*"Sei Landler, Sei Valzer, Sei Scozzesi", op. 58 (guitar) c. 1820
*"Raccolta", op. 59 (guitar) c. 1822
*"Variazioni", op. 60 (guitar)
*"Grande Ouverture", op. 61 (guitar) 1809
*"Raccolta", op. 61 (guitar) c. 1820
*"Variazioni", op. 62 (guitar) c. 1812
*"Variazioni", op. 63 (violin & guitar)
*"Variazioni", op. 64 (guitar) c. 1808
*"Gran Quintetto", op. 65 (two violins, viola, cello & guitar), c. 1812
*"Tre Rondò", op. 66 (guitar) c. 1817
*"Tre Rondò", op. 66 (two guitars) c. 1828
*"Grande Pot Pourri", op. 67 (two guitars)
*"Pot Pourri", op. 67 (guitar & pianoforte), c. 1818
*"Due Rondò", op. 68 (guitar & pianoforte), c. 1820
*"Raccolta", op. 69 (two guitars)
*"Gran Concerto", op. 70 (guitar & orchestra), c. 1822
*"Gran Concerto", op. 70 (guitar & pianoforte), c. 1824
*"Tre Sonatine", op. 71 (guitar) c. 1810
*"Variazioni", op. 72 (guitar) c. 1810
*"Bagatelle", op. 73 (guitar) c. 1810
*"Raccolta", op. 74 (flute or violin & guitar), c. 1810
*"Dodici Landler ", op. 75 (two guitars) c. 1810
*"Venti Landler", op. 75 (flute or violin & guitar), c. 1810
*"Pot Pourri", op. 76 (flute or violin & guitar), c. 1817
*"Duettino", op. 77(flute or violin & guitar), c. 1815
*"Divertimenti", op. 78 (guitar)
*"Cavatina", op. 79 (voice & guitar or pianoforte), c. 1807
*"Dodici Valzer", op. 80 (guitar)
*"Variazioni", op. 81 (flute or violin & guitar), c. 1819
*"Grande Serenata", op. 82 (flute or violin & guitar), c. 1822
*"Sei Preludi", op. 83 (guitar) c. 1817
*"Variazioni", op. 84 (flute or violin & guitar), 1817
*"Gran Duetto Concertante", op. 85 (flute or violin & guitar), c. 1817
*"Diciotto Divertimenti", op. 86 (flute or violin & guitar), c. 1815
*"Variazioni Brillanti", op. 87 (guitar) c. 1815
*"Grandi Variazioni", op. 88 (guitar)
*"Sei Lieder", op. 89 (soprano & guitar)
*"Grandi Variazioni", op. 91 (guitar)
*"Grande Pot Pourri", op. 92 (guitar & pianoforte), c. 1818
*"Grande Pot Pourri", op. 93 (guitar & pianoforte), c. 1821
*"Dodici Landler ", op. 94 (two guitars) c. 1814
*"Sei Ariette", op. 95 (voice & guitar or pianoforte), c. 1816
*"Tre Sonate Brillanti", op. 96 (guitar)
*"Variazioni", op. 97 (guitar) c. 1820
*"Studi", op. 98 (guitar) c. 1819
*"Variazioni", op. 99 (guitar) c. 1825
*"Studi", op. 100 (guitar)
*"Variazioni", op. 101 (guitar) c. 1819
*"Variazioni", op. 102 (guitar) c. 1825
*"Variazioni", op. 103 (guitar) c. 1819
*"Variazioni", op. 104 (guitar & pianoforte), c. 1840
*"Variazioni", op. 105 (guitar) c. 1815
*"Cinque Divertimenti", op. 106 (guitar) c. 1818
*"Variazioni su un tema di Handel ("The Harmonious Blacksmith")", op. 107 (guitar) c. 1828
*"Pot Pourri", op. 108 (guitar) c. 1825
*"Gran Rondò", op. 109 (guitar) c. 1825
*"Marcia Variata", op. 110 (guitar) c. 1828
*"Raccolta", op. 111 (guitar) c. 1827
*"Variazioni", op. 112 (guitar) c. 1825
*"Fughetta", op. 113 (guitar) c. 1829
*"Variazioni", op. 114 (guitar) c. 1829
*"Dieci Valzer", op. 116 (two guitars) c. 1831
*"Variazioni", op. 118 (guitar) c. 1821
*"Rossiniana", op. 119 (guitar) c. 1820
*"Rossiniana", op. 120 (guitar) c. 1821
*"Rossiniana", op. 121 (guitar) c. 1821
*"Rossiniana", op. 122 (guitar) c. 1824
*"Rossiniana", op. 123 (guitar) c. 1824
*"Rossiniana", op. 124 (guitar) c. 1828
*"Sei Arie Nazionali Irlandesi", op. 125 (guitar) c. 1825
*"Serenata", op. 127 (flute or violin & guitar), c. 1827
*"Variazioni Concertanti", op. 130 (two guitars) c. 1840
*"Tre Polonesi Concertanti", op. 137 (two guitars) c. 1836
*"Variazioni", op. 138 (guitar) c. 1828
*"Ventiquattro Lezioni", op. 139 (guitar) c. 1840
*"Variazioni", op. 140 (guitar) c. 1840
*"Variazioni", op. 141 (guitar) c. 1842
*"Variazioni", op. 142 (guitar) c. 1842
*"Variazioni", op. 143 (guitar) c. 1842
*"Quattro Variazioni e Finale", op. 144 (guitar) c. 1842
*"Variazioni", op. 145 (guitar) c. 1842
*"Variazioni", op. 146 (guitar) c. 1828
*"Variazioni", op. 147 (guitar) c. 1836
*"Giulianate", op. 148 (guitar) c. 1832
*"Pastorale", op. 149 (two voices, flute & guitar), c. 1830
*"Gran Sonata Eroica", op. 150 (guitar) c. 1843
*"Allegro Cantabile", (guitar) c. 1829
*"Canzonetta", (voice & guitar or pianoforte), c. 1820
*"Cavatina", (guitar) c. 1834
*"Cavatina", (guitar) c. 1829
*"Cavatina", (voice & guitar)
*"Dodici Controdanze", (guitar) c. 1828
*"Due Rondoncini", (guitar) c. 1828
*"Duettino", (guitar) c. 1828
*"Gran Duo Concertante", (guitar & pianoforte)
*"Grandi Variazioni e Polonese", (guitar & pianoforte), c. 1825
*"Marcia", (guitar) c. 1824
*"Marcia", (guitar) c. 1828
*"Ouverture", (guitar) c. 1820
*"Raccolta", (voice & guitar)
*"Raccolta Di Valzer", (guitar) c. 1828
*"Riduzione d'Opera", (guitar) c. 1834
*"Rondò e Valzer", (guitar) c. 1828
*"Rondoncino Brillante", (guitar)
*"Rondoncino e Due Valzer", (guitar) c. 1828
*"Seconda Polonese", (flute or violin & guitar), 1816
*"Sei Arie Nazionali Scozzesi", (guitar) c. 1836
*"Sei Controdanze", (guitar) c. 1828
*"Sinfonia", (two guitars) c. 1833
*"Sinfonia", (two guitars) c. 1833
*"Sinfonia", (two guitars) c. 1833
*"Sinfonia", (guitar) c. 1831
*"Sinfonia", (two guitars) c. 1832
*"Sinfonia", (guitar) c. 1825
*"Sinfonia", (guitar) c. 1827
*"Tarantella", (two guitars) c. 1837
*"Tre Rondò", (guitar) c. 1828
*"Tre Sonatine", (guitar) c. 1828
*"Variazioni", (guitar) c. 1833
*"Guitars of Seville", (guitar & pianoforte) c.1781-1829

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