

Infobox Constellation
name = Scutum
abbreviation = Sct
genitive = Scuti
symbology = the Shield
RA = 18.7
dec= −10
areatotal = 109
arearank = 84th
numbermainstars = 2
numberbfstars = 7
numberstarsplanets = 0
numberbrightstars = 0
numbernearbystars = 0
brighteststarname = α Scuti
starmagnitude = 3.85
neareststarname = α Scuti
stardistance = 174
numbermessierobjects = 2
meteorshowers =June Scutids
bordering = Aquila
Serpens Cauda
latmax = 80
latmin = 90
month = August
:"For the Roman shield, see scutum (shield); ":"For the zootomical term, see scute."Scutum (IPAEng|ˈskjuːtəm, _la. shield) is a small constellation, one of the 88 modern constellations. It is one of the few constellations (along with Coma Berenices) that owes its name to a historical figure instead of a mythological being or object.

The original name Scutum Sobiescianum (Sobieski's Shield) was introduced in late 1683 by Hevelius as commemoration of the victory of the Polish forces led by Polish king and hero John III Sobieski in the battle of Vienna.


Notable deep sky objects

Scutum contains several open clusters, as well as a
globular cluster and a planetary nebula.The two best known deep sky objects in Scutum are
M11 (NGC 6705), the Wild Duck Cluster, a dense open cluster, and
M26, another open cluster also known as NGC 6694.The globular cluster NGC 6712 and the planetary nebula IC 1295can be found in the eastern part of the constellation, only 24 arcminutesapart.


Being a modern constellation, Scutum has no mythology associated with it.It was designed to represent Janina Coat of Arms of Polish king John III Sobieski with cross of Jesus Christ.


* Ian Ridpath and Wil Tirion (2007). "Stars and Planets Guide", Collins, London. ISBN 978-0007251209. Princeton University Press, Princeton. ISBN 978-0691135564.

External links

* [ The Deep Photographic Guide to the Constellations: Scutum]
* [ Star Tales – Scutum]

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