Single foot grinds

Single foot grinds

There are quite a few single foot grinds used in Aggressive Inline Skating. They can all be performed whilst grabbing the free foot, or can performed 'freestyle', which means that the free foot is used to help balance and is not grabbed by a hand. For example the trick, when done freestyle, would be a called a 'Freestyle Backslide'. Most single foot grinds (excluding the Makio) are done sliding on the h-block, and/or backslide plate, and all of these grinds can be done frontside or backside.


The Backslide is a grind done sliding on the back foot only. The skate slides on the h-block and the backslide plate. The Backslide is similar to the Royale, just without the leading foot.


The Pudslide is one of the newer grinds used in Aggressive Skating, it can be very similar to a Farfegnugen without the leading foot. Only the trailing skate is used to slide and it is bent opposite from a Backslide, so the foot is angled with the direction of motion. This move has been popularized by skaters such as Chris Farmer and Dustin Latimer. The Pudslide is sometimes referred to as a Wondergrind.


The Fastslide is very similar to the Wondergrind, but the feet change positions. The leading foot is sliding just on the h-block. Your body needs to balanced directly over the grinding foot to maintain a good distance grind.

Torque Slide

The Torque Slide is much like a Farfegnugen, but without the trailing foot. The leading skate is sliding just on the h-block and backslide plate.

External links

* [ photo of a skater doing a Frontside Backslide]
* [ photo of a skater doing a Backside Fastslide]
* [ photo of Josh Petty doing a Torque Slide]
* [ photo of Albert Hooi doing a Pudslide]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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