

Pardee is a surname, and may refer to:

* Arthur Pardee, an American biochemist
* George Pardee, 21st Governor of California
* Jack Pardee American football coach, b. 1936
* Joseph Pardee, geologist
* Sarah Lockwood Pardee (Winchester), Builder of the Winchester Mystery House
* Timothy Blair Pardee (1830-1889), an Ontario lawyer and political figure
* Rudy Pardee, founder of the LA Dream Team

See also:
* Pardee Home
* Pardee Homes
* Frederick S. Pardee RAND Graduate School

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  • Pardee — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Arthur B. Pardee (* 1921), US amerikanischer Pharmakologe und Biochemiker George Pardee (1857–1941), US amerikanischer Politiker und der 21. Gouverneur von Kalifornien Harold E. B. Pardee (1886–1973), US… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • pardee — Parde Par*de , Pardie Par*die , adv. or interj. [F. pardi, for par Dieu by God.] Certainly; surely; truly; verily; originally an oath. [Written also {pardee}, {pardieux}, {perdie}, etc.] [Obs.] [1913 Webster] He was, parde, an old fellow of yours …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • Pardee Homes — is a residential real estate company founded in 1921 by George Pardee Sr. He was joined by his three sons in the Los Angeles housing boom after World War II. They began building in southern Nevada in 1952, selling affordable homes to veterans for …   Wikipedia

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  • George Pardee — Infobox Governor name = George Cooper Pardee order = 21st office = Governor of California term start = January 7, 1903 term end = January 9, 1907 lieutenant = Alden Anderson predecessor = Henry Gage successor = James Gillett birth date = birth… …   Wikipedia

  • Ario Pardee, Jr. — Ario Pardee, Jr. (October 28, 1839 ndash; March 16, 1901) was an officer in the Union Army during the American Civil War. He rose to fame during the Battle of Gettysburg, where he led the defense of a portion of Culp s Hill on July 3, 1863. A… …   Wikipedia

  • George Pardee — (* 25. Juli 1857 in San Francisco, Kalifornien; † 1. September 1941 in Oakland, Kalifornien) war ein US amerikanischer Politiker und der 21. Gouverneur von Kalifornien …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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