Gisle Johnson

Gisle Johnson

Gisle Christian Johnson (1822 in Halden1894) was a Norwegian theologian.

He grew up in Kristiansand, and studied theology until 1845. In 1849 he became a lecturer at the University of Christiana, and in 1860 became a professor, first in systematic theology and dogmatic history, and from 1875 in church history. In 1855, he moved to Christiania Indremissionsforening and in 1868, The Norwegian Lutheran Academy. In 1858, he edited, together with Carl Paul Caspari, "Theological times for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Norway", and in 1863, "The Lutheran Church Times"


* "Grundrids af Den systematiske teologi" ("Foundations of the systematic theology") (1878)
* "Forelæsninger over dogmehistorien" ("Lectures in dogmatic history") (1898)

External links

* [ Short biography by the theological faculty, UiO]

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