

Infobox VG
title = Flink

developer = Psygnosis (Erwin Kloibhofer and Henk Nieborg)
publisher = Psygnosis
distributor = Sony Electronic Publishing (Mega Drive), Vic Tokai (Mega CD)
designer =
engine =
released = 1994
genre = Platform game
modes = Single player
ratings = N/A
platforms = Amiga CD32, Sega Mega Drive/Genesis, Sega CD
media = CD-ROM (CD32 and Sega CD version)
requirements =
input =

"Flink", sometimes referred to as "The Misadventures of Flink", is a 2D scrolling platform game developed by Psygnosis, reliant on the then still fairly new CD-ROM media to store large levels, highly detailed graphics and atmospheric music (with the obvious exception of the Mega Drive/Genesis version, which is a cut-down version of the game since it was released in a cartridge). The game is very colorful and cartoon-like, and is comparable with UbiSoft's "Rayman", released 2 years later. One main difference is that "Flink" is, while still very colorful, much darker in places.

"Flink" is also notable for being one of the few Amiga CD32 titles not to see a release (cut-down or otherwise) for the Amiga home computer system, on which the CD32's hardware was based. The majority of titles released for the CD32 were essentially the versions developed for Amiga home computers, taking only minor advantage of the CD-ROM medium with extra levels, CD audio, and/or FMV sequences.

The creators, Erwin Kloibhofer and Henk Nieborg, were also responsible for the game The Adventures of Lomax and the classic Lionheart. All these games display these creators' unique artistic styles.

External links

*moby game|id=/misadventures-of-flink|name="Flink"

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