Hussein el-Husseini

Hussein el-Husseini

Sayyed Hussein el-Husseini ( _ar. حسين الحسيني) is a prominent Lebanese politician from Beqaa, who brought the end of the Lebanese civil war in 1990, followed by the disarmament of sectarian militias.

Early life

Born on the 15th of April 1937 in Zahleh, deputy of Baalbeck and the Hermel since 1972, Hussein el-Husseini is one of the founders of the Movement of the Deprived, that later gave birth to Amal. He was one of the closest collaborators of Imam Musa al-Sadr at the head of Amal, as well as in the Supreme Shiite Council, of which he became a founding member in 1972.

In 1978, he became Amal's Secretary General. He resigned from this post on the 17th of June 1980, as he refused to collaborate with Yasser Arafat and fight alongside the PLO. His resignation was followed by Amal's entry in the Lebanese Civil War.

Political career

El-Husseini was elected member of parliament in 1972, at the age of 35, after being mayor of his hometown Shmustar at 18.From 1972 to 1974, he headed the parliamentary commission of public works and hydroelectric resources. He became, since 1972, member of the parliamentary financial and budgetary commission.

In 1984, he was elected Speaker by members of parliament and remained in this post until 1992, after serving 4 consecutive two-year terms. In 1989, while in office, el-Husseini orchestrated and presided the Taif Agreement, held in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which led to the end of the Lebanese Civil War (1975-1990). He is considered to be the father of the agreement.

On August 12 2008, in a [ speech] during the vote of confidence for the new government, Husseini announced his resignation from parliament, expressing his dismay at how the constitution was being torn [cite news |url= |publisher="Now Lebanon"|title=Former Speaker MP Hussein Husseini resigns from parliament|accessdate=2008-08-13] [cite news |url= |publisher="Naharnet" |title=Saniora Cabinet Wins Confidence, Husseini Resigns, Harb Attacks Police Oppression of the House |accessdate=2008-08-13] [cite news |url= |publisher="Daily Star"|title=Divided Parliament approves new unity Cabinet, Veteran politician Husseini shocks nation by announcing resignation|accessdate=2008-08-13] .

He remains a strong advocate of democracy and transparency in his community.


ee also

*List of Speakers of the Parliament of Lebanon

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