Macrianus Minor

Macrianus Minor

Infobox Roman emperor
name =Macrianus Minor
full name=
title=Usurper of the Roman Empire

caption =Macrianus on a coin
celebrating "Eternal Rome". [The coinage of Macrianus and of his brother and co-emperor Quietus celebrated the army, the confidence in victory, and the foreseen arrival of happy times. All of these themes were very important in a time of emergency, when the Roman Empire had lost its Emperor in battle against the Sassanid Empire, and the army was deep in enemy territory.]
reign =260-1 (with Quietus)
predecessor =Gallienus
successor =Gallienus
spouse 1 =
spouse 2 =
issue =
dynasty =
father =Macrianus Major
mother =? (of senatorial descent)
date of birth =
place of birth =
date of death =261
place of death =
place of burial =|

Titus Fulvius Iunius Macrianus (died 261), also known as Macrianus Minor, was a Roman usurper. He was the son of Fulvius Macrianus, also known as Macrianus Major.

Macrianus Minor's mother was of noble birth and her name, possibly, was Iunia. According to the often unreliable Historia Augusta, he had served as military tribune under Valerian.

Macrianus, his father and his son Quietus, were in Mesopotamia in 260, for the Sassanid campaign of Emperor Valerian, when the Roman army was defeated, and the emperor was captured. With help from his father, who kept the imperial treasure, and by the influence of Balista, Valerian's praefect, Macrianus gained the imperial office together with his brother Quietus, through the election by the army, in contrast with the lawful Emperor Gallienus, son and co-emperor with Valerian, who was far in the West. The two emperors and brothers were recognized in the eastern part of the Empire, having a stronghold in Egypt, the grain supplying province for the city of Rome.

Macrianus Major and Macrianus Minor moved to the West to attack and eliminate their rival Gallienus. They were however defeated in autumn 261 by Aureolus, and later killed by their own soldiers.

ee also

*Gallienus usurpers.


* [ Körner, Christian, "Usurpers in the east: The Macriani and Ballista", s.v. "Usurpers under Gallienus", "De Imperatoribus Romanis"]

External links

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