- Braziguayans
Braziguayans (brasiguaio in Portuguese) as they are known in
Paraguay toBrazil ians and their descendants, trace their history to Southeastern Paraguayan departments ofCanindeyú &Alto Paraná , which border withBrazil . This emigration occurred c.1945 . Braziguayans are descended from german , italian , polish and others . Braziguayans are often accused of imposing on the culture, language and currency of Paraguay.In some border zones, Braziguayans (about 10% of Paraguay's population) and their descendants are more than 90% of the population, where Portuguese is still spoken as the mother tongue. There were 455,000 Braziguayans
as of 2001 . InSan Alberto de Mbaracayú city, approximately 80% of its 23 thousand inhabitants are of Brazilian ancestry.External links
* [http://www1.folha.uol.com.br/folha/dinheiro/ult91u69504.shtml Folha de São Paulo article] (Brazilian newspaper)
* [http://www2.uol.com.br/revistadomercosul/pesquisa-public/mercosul/mercosul_74_1.htm Revista do Mercosul] (Mercosur Magazine)
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