

Arteli is a small chain of Mexican supermarkets founded by Arturo Elizondo of Tampico, Tamaulipas, in 1978. Concentrating their efforts in a small region, they now have stores in Tampico, Ciudad Madero and Altamira, as well as branches in the towns of Río Verde and Ebano in the state of San Luis Potosí.

Elizondo served as Mayor ("Spanish: El Presidente Municipal ") of Tampico, as a PAN candidate, from 2000 to 2004.He is married to Maria Concepcion Fernandez Elizondo and has 3 children.Jorge Arturo Elizondo, born in 1979. Laura Maria Elizondo, better know as Lala Elizondo, born in 1981, and Daniela Elizondo born in 1988.

External links

* [ Arteli Official site]

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