- Fornix of brain
Infobox Brain
Latin =
GraySubject = 189
GrayPage = 838
Caption = Diagram of thefornix . Right=anterior
Caption2 = Scheme ofrhinencephalon .
IsPartOf =
Components =
Artery =
Vein =
BrainInfoType = hier
BrainInfoNumber = 250
MeshName = Fornix+(Brain)
MeshNumber = A08.186.211.577.265The fornix (Latin, "vault" or "arch") is a C-shaped bundle of fibres (
axon s) in thebrain , and carries signals from thehippocampus to themammillary bodies andseptal nuclei .tructure
The fibres begin in the hippocampus on each side of the brain (where they are also known as the fimbria); the separate left and right side are each called the
crus of the fornix . The bundles of fibres come together in the midline of the brain, forming the "body" of the fornix. The inferior edge of theseptum pellucidum (a membrane that separates the two lateral ventricles) is attached to the upper face of the fornix body.The body of the fornix travels anteriorly and divides again near the
anterior commissure . The left and right parts reseparate, but there is also an anterior/posterior divergence.
* The posterior fibres (called the "postcommissural fornix") of each side continue through thehypothalamus to themammillary bodies ; then to theanterior nuclei of thalamus , which maps tocingulate cortex .
* The anterior fibers ("precommissural fornix") end at theseptal nuclei andnucleus accumbens of each half of the brain.
=AdditionalExternal links
* [http://www2.umdnj.edu/~neuro/studyaid/Practical2000/Q26.htm Photo at umdnj.edu]
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