SAIS Review

SAIS Review

Infobox Journal

discipline = Politics
abbreviation = SAI
website =
publisher = Johns Hopkins University Press
country = USA
history = 1956 to present
ISSN = 0036-0775

"The SAIS Review of International Affairs" is an academic journal based at the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), part of the The Johns Hopkins University. Founded in 1956 as an alumni newsletter, the SAIS Review became a full-fledged scholarly publication in 1981. The SAIS Review's mission is to advance the debate on leading contemporary issues in world affairs. Seeking to bring a fresh and policy-relevant perspective to global political, economic and security questions, the SAIS Review publishes essays that straddle the boundary between scholarly inquiry and practical experience. Each issue also includes book reviews and photo essays. Recognized as one of the leading publications dedicated to foreign affairs, the journal has attracted work from major academicians and policymakers, including: Hernando de Soto, Madeleine Albright, George H.W. Bush, and Al Gore.

The advisory board of the SAIS Review is made up of members of the SAIS administration and faculty as well as outside academics and journalists, including: Jessica Einhorn (Chair), Adm. Ted Baker, Nancy Birdsall, Eliot A. Cohen, W. Max Corden, Francis Fukuyama, Ann Hollick, Robert Kagan, Thomas Keaney, James McCall, Moisés Naím, Julia Nanay, Don Oberdorfer, Erik Peterson, Robert Satloff, and Stephen Szabo.

The senior editors of the SAIS Review are: Samuel Yim (Editor-in-Chief), Frederick Tsai (Managing Editor), and Lauren Hickok (Reviews Editor).

The Assistant Editors are: Frances Brown, Jenny Bussey, Ben Cahill, David Carlisle, Joy Chambers, Jason Fill, Jeremy Gans, Meave Garigan, Lauren Hickok, David Hoehner, Rachael Homewood, Ina Hoxha, Andrew Kamons, Witney Kassel, Magda Lakhani, Evan Mangino, Alejandro Mares, Sadaf Mirza, LaKindra Mohr, Jennifer Murray, Khalid Nadiri, Elaine Panter, Ori Scherr, Brendan Schreiber, Neil Shenai, Liz Shryock, Nikos Tsafos, Fred Tsai, and Samuel Yim.

The SAIS Review is published and distributed biannually by The Johns Hopkins University Press and is available online through Project Muse. Articles appearing in the SAIS Review are indexed in the Public Affairs Information Service (PAIS), International Political Science Abstracts, International in Print Bulletin, Periodica Islamica, and Ulrich's International Periodical Abstracts. The full text of the SAIS Review articles is also available in the electronic versions of the Social Sciences Index.

ee also

*International relations
*Foreign policy
*Public policy

External links

* [ SAIS Review]
* [ SAIS Review at Project Muse]

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