

Infobox CityIT
official_name = Comune di Pescina
img_coa = Pescina-Stemma.png img_coa_small =
region = RegioneIT|sigla=ABR
province = ProvinciaIT|sigla=AQ (AQ)
mayor = {sindaco|}
mayor_party =
elevation_footnotes =
elevation_m = 735
area_footnotes =
area_total_km2 = 37.50
population_footnotes =
population_as_of = 2005
population_total = 4,484
pop_density_footnotes =
population_density_km2 = 119.57
coordinates = coord|42|1|35|N|13|39|32|E|region:IT_type:city(4,484)
gentilic = UCFIRST:pescinesi
telephone = 0863
postalcode = 67057
frazioni = Cardito, Venere
saint =
day =
mapx = #expr:42 + 1 / 60.0
mapy = #expr:13 + 39 / 60.0
locator_position =
native_name = Pescina
name = Pescina

website = []
Pescina is a township and commune of 4484 inhabitants in the province of L’Aquila, Abruzzo, Italy. It also makes up a part of the mountain community Valle del Giovenco.



Pescina borders on the communes of Celano, Collarmele, Gioia dei Marsi, Ortona dei Marsi, Ortucchio, Ovindoli, San Benedetto dei Marsi, and Trasacco


Located in the flatland areas of the province, Pescina has a milder climate compared to other towns and cities in Abruzzo, with temperatures averaging between 36.5 degrees Fahrenheit (2.5 Celsius) in the colder months (such as January) to 73.2 degrees Fahrenheit (22.9 Celsius) in the warmer months (such as July). Rainfall is relatively heavy, averaging 32.3 inches (82 centimeters) annually and occurring mostly in the late autumn. In the winter snowfall is also relatively abundant.


The Earthquake of 1915

The earthquake of 1915 (also known as the earthquake of Avezzano) was a dramatic seismic event occurring on January 13, 1915, which struck the entire area of Marisca, situated in the interior of Abruzzo. It was one of the most catastrophic earthquakes to occur in Italian territory, leaving 120,000 victims in Marisca and surrounding areas.

The earthquake occurred at 7:48 AM local time and attained a magnitude of 11 on the Mercalli scale, resonating about 1000 times at lesser magnitudes in successive months. The initial aftershock registered a 7 on the Mercalli scale and was felt throughout all of central Italy.

Pescina was completely leveled by the event. The victims were bountiful: about 5000 out of a total population of 6000. The few who survived were generally badly injured and remained homeless since all of the buildings in town were destroyed. The earthquake completely isolated the area and news of the disaster was only learned of in the late afternoon. Rescuers left on the evening of the 13th, arriving only the day after because of the impassability of the roads caused by landslides and debris.

The seismic event brought to light the lack of preparedness of the Italian state. Eminio Sipari, deputy of the college of Pescina, protested that many victims probably would have been saved with proper precautions. The continuation of World War One, which had begun in autumn of 1914, brought troops to the region and secured the permanence of forces in the afflicted area.

The earthquake of 1915 created interest in the Appennini mountain chain which had not seen such disastrous earthquakes before 1915. Segments of the population which had no geological competence developed theories to explain the great earthquake, placing the blame on human activities in the area. In this case, it was the drainage of lake Fucino which was credited for causing the quake. However, such as the case with all other previous earthquakes, the great quake of 1915 was caused by the movement of and release of pent-up energy of an important tectonic fault.

Famous Citizens

Pescina is the birthplace of Cardinal Mazarin (the successor of Cardinal Richelieu to the regency of France) and hosts a small museum dedicated to him. Author Ignazio Silone (born Secondino Tranquilli) who penned "Fontamara, the Secret of Luke" ("Fontamara, Il segreto di Luca") among other novels was also born in Pescina in 1900.

Paolo Tranquilli, CMP Engineer, IM Flash Technologies.


Like most other areas of Italy, Pescina has a diaspora still extant in the New World. The families of "Galli" and "Villanucci", which have had a presence in Pescina since at least 1880, have members in at least two American cities: Portland, Maine and Providence, Rhode Island.


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