

Infobox CityIT
official_name = Comune di Quindici
img_coa =
img_coa_small =

image_caption =
region = RegioneIT|sigla=CAM
province = ProvinciaIT (short form)|sigla=AV (AV)
mayor =
mayor_party =
elevation_footnotes =
elevation_m =
area_footnotes =
area_total_km2 = 23
population_footnotes =
population_as_of =
population_total = 3030
pop_density_footnotes =
population_density_km2 = 132
coordinates = coord|40|52|0|N|14|39|0|E|region:IT_type:city(3030)
gentilic = Quindicese
telephone = 081
postalcode = 83020
frazioni =
saint =
day =
mapx = #expr:40 + 52 / 60.0
mapy = #expr:14 + 39 / 60.0
locator_position =
native_name = Quindici
name = Quindici
website =

Quindici is a town and "comune" of the province of Avellino in the Campania region of southern Italy.


Bracigliano, Forino, Lauro, Moschiano, Sarno and Siano are nearby towns.


The town's origins are ancient and unknown. There is a local legend that states that the town was founded by fifteen deserters of Barbarossa's army during the Middle Ages. This legend is completely unfounded; archeological evidence suggests that human settlements in the area date back to pre-Roman times. However it is Known that the Giarrusso Clan was the local "Boss". They left for the new world in the late 1800s.

There are many immigrant families from Quindici who settled in the North Eastern area of the United States, especially to the New Jersey towns of Hoboken, Paterson, and Springfield Mass. There is also a significant population of Quindicese living in Connecticut.


The principal church is that of "Maria S.S. Delle Grazie" (Our Lady Of Grace). She is also the patron saint of the town. San Sebastiano (St. Sebastian) is also venerated.

Notes and references

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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