The General Students' Committee (German: Allgemeiner Studierendenausschuss) or AStA, is the acting executive board and the external representing agency of the (constituted) student body at universities in most German states. It is hence considered the student government and student representative organization. AStA committees are usually selected by the student parliament and consist of one or more chairpersons as well as a set of consultants from different fields of study.

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  • Asta — (born Skippy; birth and death dates unknown) was a Wire Haired Fox Terrier best known for his acting work in the 1934 detective comedy The Thin Man . He was trained by owners Henry East and Gale Henry East, and Frank Weatherwax. His other notable …   Wikipedia

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  • ASTA — Turditanorum in Hispania civitas, inter Sacrum promontorium, et Herculeas columnas. Regia Plinio dicitur l. 3. c. 1. Rudera ingentem olim fuisle indicant. Massa de Asta Morali. Aliquibus Asta regia, nunc Xeres de la Fontera. Media inter… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • asta — (Del lat. hasta). 1. f. Palo a cuyo extremo o en medio del cual se pone una bandera. 2. cuerno (ǁ prolongación ósea). 3. Palo de la lanza, pica, venablo, etc. 4. Lanza o pica. 5. Arma ofensiva de los antiguos romanos, compuesta de hierro, astil y …   Diccionario de la lengua española

  • asta — (diferente de hasta) sustantivo femenino 1. Palo largo al que está sujeto una bandera: El soldado se acercó al asta y fue izando lentamente la bandera. bandera* a media asta. 2. Cuerno de los animales: las astas de un ciervo, las astas de un toro …   Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española

  • asta — s.f. [lat. hasta lancia ]. 1. a. [lungo bastone, dritto e liscio] ▶◀ barra, palo, pertica, sbarra. b. (arm.) [arma formata da un lungo bastone con in cima una punta metallica] ▶◀ giavellotto, lancia, picca. 2. (tecn.) [elemento strutturale di… …   Enciclopedia Italiana

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