- Victor A. Brumberg
Victor A. Brumberg is a Russian theoretical
physicist active as a professor at the Institute of Applied Astronomy,Russian Academy of Sciences ,St. Petersburg . He is noted for his work oncelestial mechanics andephemerides .Brumberg is a member of the scientific committé for projects under the IAU [http://iau-comm4.jpl.nasa.gov/newsltr9.html Commisson 4: Ephemerides] .
Publications (selection)
* V.A. Brumberg, "Essential Relativistic Celestial Mechanics". Adam Hilger, London (1991). ISBN 0-7503-0062-0
* V.A Brumberg, "Analytical Techniques of Celestial Mechanics". Springer-Verlag, UK, (1995). ISBN 3-540-58782-9
* Dmitry V. Brumberg & V.A. Brumberg, "Derivative of Kaula's inclination function". In Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy (1995), Springer, Netherlands. ISSN 0923-2958
* V.A. Brumberg & Eugene V. Brumberg, "Celestial Dynamics at High Eccentricities". Advances in Astronomy and Astrophysics (1999), Gordon & Breach Science Publishers, UK. ISBN 90-5699-212-0
*Georgij A. Krasinsky and V.A. Brumberg, "Secular Increase of Astronomical Unit from Analysis of the Major Planet Motions, and its Interpretation" [http://iau-comm4.jpl.nasa.gov/GAKVAB.pdf Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy 90: 267–288, (2004)] .
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