

Jnanagupta (Sanskrit; Devanagari: ज्ञानगुप्त, Chinese 闍那崛多 or 志德) was a Buddhist monk from Gandhara who travelled to China and was recognised by Emperor Wen of the Sui dynasty. He is said to have brought with him 260 sutras in Sanskrit, and was supported in translating these into Chinese by the emperor.

In total, he translated 39 scriptures in 192 fascicles during the period 561 to 592, including:
*Sutra of Buddha's Fundamental Deed (佛本行經), 60 fascicles
*Candrottaradarikapariprccha (月上女經) 2 fascicles


" [http://www.buddhistdoor.com/bdoor/0202/sources/teach51.htm Translators in Sui Dynasty and Tang Dynasty] ". Buddhist Door ( [http://www.buddhistdoor.com/ www.buddhistdoor.com] )

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