- Jadassohn
Jadassohn is a surname and may refer to:
Josef Jadassohn (1863-1936), German dermatologist
*Salomon Jadassohn (1831-1902), German composer
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Jadassohn is a surname and may refer to:
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Jadassohn — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Alexander Jadassohn (1873 1948), deutscher Musikverleger und Kritiker Josef Jadassohn (1863–1936), deutscher Dermatologe Salomon Jadassohn (1831–1902), deutscher Komponist, Pianist, Musiktheoretiker und… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Jadassohn — Jadassohn, Salomon, Klavierspieler und Komponist, geb. 13. Aug. 1831 in Breslau, gest. 1. Febr. 1902 in Leipzig, war 1848 zuerst Schüler des Leipziger Konservatoriums, dann 1849–51 Schüler von Liszt in Weimar, kehrte aber 1852 nach Leipzig zurück … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
JADASSOHN, JOSEF — (1863–1936), German dermatologist. Jadassohn, who was born at Liegnitz, studied at Breslau and was professor and director of the dermatological clinic at the University of Berne, Switzerland, from 1896. From 1917 until his retirement in 1931 he… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
JADASSOHN, SALOMON — (1831–1902), composer, music theorist, and conductor. Born in Breslau, Jadassohn studied in Leipzig and then under Liszt in Weimar (1849–52). He came back to Leipzig, where he studied privately with Moritz Hauptmann and later developed and worked … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Jadassohn, anetodermia eritematosa de — dermat. Erupción cutánea generalizada en la que se producen manchas de color violáceo o nacarado que se atrofian por el centro y forman una lesión circular con la piel arrugada. Medical Dictionary. 2011 … Diccionario médico
Jadassohn anetoderma — Jadassohn Pellizari anetoderma primary anetoderma after an inflammatory or urticarial eruption; the lesions are round or oval erythematous macules that become atrophic, wrinkled, and pale protrusions. It is usually seen in females between age 10… … Medical dictionary
Jadassohn nevus — Jadassohn sebaceous nevus n. sebaceus … Medical dictionary
Jadassohn-Lewandowski Syndrome — This syndrome is a form of what is called elephant nails from birth (pachyonychia congenita). The characteristic features include: {{}}Abnormally thick curved nails (onychogryposis) Thickening of the skin (hyperkeratosis) of the palms, soles,… … Medical dictionary
Jadassohn anetoderma nevus — Ja·das·sohn anetoderma, nevus (yahґdah sōn) [Josef Jadassohn, German dermatologist in Switzerland, 1863–1936] see under anetoderma and see nevus sebaceus, under nevus … Medical dictionary
Jadassohn-Lewandowsky syndrome — Ja·das·sohn Lew·an·dow·sky syndrome (yahґdah sōn lev ahn dovґske) [J. Jadassohn; Felix Lewandowsky, German dermatologist, 1879–1921] pachyonychia congenita … Medical dictionary