El Sartorio

El Sartorio

Infobox Film
name = El Sartorio

director = Anonymous
producer =
writer =
starring =
music =
cinematography =
editing =
distributor =
released = 1907
runtime =
rating = X
country = flagicon|Argentina Argentina
awards =
language = silent
budget =
imdb_id = 0289433

El Sartorio is the name of the earliest surviving pornographic film. It was produced in Argentina in 1907 and is possibly the first use of extreme closeups.


Three young women are bathing in a river. This leads to them having sex with each other. Then the devil appears and forces one woman to perform oral sex on him. Then he has sex with all three.

"Perhaps the earliest surviving porn film is Argentina’s classic El Sartorio (1907). Three women frolic in a river and start fondling one another. A man dressed as a devil with a tail, horns and false whiskers, emerges out of the foliage and captures one woman. She sucks him off, engages in a 69, and finally screws him. Inserts of close-up shots of his penis pushing inside her appear every few seconds. As the woman gets up from the "devil," sperm falls out of her vagina." --From [http://www.francesfarmersrevenge.com/stuff/pornhistory.htm A Brief History of Early Pornography]

ee also

* Le Coucher de la Marie


*The Big Book of Porn, Seth Grahame-Smith, pp 16, ISBN 1-59474-040-2

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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