IRTE, the Institute of Road Transport Engineers, is a UK organisationfounded in 1944 as a Professional Sector of the Society of Operations Engineers (SOE).It is one of the most respected names in UK transport with an acknowledged role as the impartial voice of the industryFact|date=January 2007.

Its remit is to encourage ever-higher standards of excellence from a unique and independent standpoint. Safety in operation is a key priority and IRTE has an industry-leading role in this respect. Recent initiatives have included research into tipper stability, wheel loss prevention and assisting its members in understanding corporate liability.

IRTE publishes the industry-respected monthly magazine "Transport Engineer", as well as a wide range of technical guides. IRTE is a partner in the CV Show, a commercial vehicle exhibition. It aims to assist the road transport industry in overcoming skills shortages and pioneered the IRTEC Licensing Scheme for technicians and mechanics.

A regional network of UK centres gives IRTE members opportunity to share ideas and contacts.

IRTE members come from a wide variety of transport-related roles including apprentices and technicians in both the light and heavy vehicle and bus and coach sectors, workshop managers, fleet engineers, transport managers and company directors.

External links

* [ Society of Operations Engineers]
* [ IRTEC Licensing Scheme]

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