

Xochiquetzal is an Aztec Goddess. Xochiquetzal is also more commanly known as Ichpuchtli or Xochiquetzal-Ichpuchtli combined. She is the ruler of love, marriage, flowers, art, music, women, magic, spinning, fertility, sex, weaving, and changes. Ichpuchtli is also the Goddess of Sacred Prostitutes, and professions which imitate nature.

Marigolds are sacred to her. Invoke Ichpuchtli for beauty, sensuality, survival, crafts, fertility, childbirth, agriculture, dance, music, singing, repopulation, flower magic, sexual freedom, love spells, knot magic, sexual pleasure, sex magic, and a fruitful marriage. Feathers, marigolds, and small earthenware images of her are appropriate offerings to Ichpuchtli.

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