

Hong may refer to:
*Hong (Korean name), a Korean surname
*Hong Kong
*The Hongs, major business houses in Hong Kong
*Høng, a Danish municipality
*Hong (rainbow-dragon) (虹), a Chinese word for "rainbow"

In addition, the Cantonese term "hong" has the following meanings:

* Hong (十三行), an area where Westerners lived and traded in the Qing dynasty
* Hong (行), a trading company or store out of Hong Kong, Macau and Canton, China
* Nam Pak Hong (南北行), a group of Chinese medicine traders from North China
* Hongmen (洪門), a Chinese fraternal organization

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  • Hong — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Hồng Hà (Journalist) (1928–2011), vietnamesischer Journalist Hong Hyun mok (* 1986), südkoreanischer Eishockeyspieler Hong Ji hoon (* 1988), südkoreanischer Badmintonspieler Hong Myung bo (* 1969),… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • hong — /hong/, n. 1. (in China) a group of rooms or buildings forming a warehouse, factory, etc. 2. one of the factories under foreign ownership formerly maintained at Canton. [1720 30; < dial. Chin (Guangdong) hòhng, equiv. to Chin háng row of shops] * …   Universalium

  • Hong — Hong, n. [Chinese hang, Canton dialect hong, a mercantile house, factory.] A mercantile establishment or factory for foreign trade in China, as formerly at Canton; a succession of offices connected by a common passage and used for business or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • Hong — Hong, v. t. & i. To hang. [Obs.] Chaucer. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Høng — is a town and a former municipality (Danish, kommune ) in Region Sjælland near the west coast of the island of Zealand ( Sjælland ) in Denmark. The municipality covered an area of 145 km², and had a total population of 8.411 (2005). Its last… …   Wikipedia

  • Hong Yu — was the favorite companion of the Chinese emperor Hui of Han. Jiru s dress and cosmetics were imitated by other courtiers in an attempt to impress the emperor. Hong Yu was documented by China s Grand Historian Sima Qian.ource Homosexuality and… …   Wikipedia

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  • Hong — das; [s], s <aus gleichbed. chin. hong>: 1. chines. Gilde, Kaufmannszunft. 2. chines. Bez. für Waren od. Handelshaus, bes. für den Geschäftsverkehr mit Fremden …   Das große Fremdwörterbuch

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