Collège Sévigné

Collège Sévigné
Collège Sévigné
Front door of the school
Established 1880
Type Private
President Yves Guerin
Undergraduates 1,400
Location Paris, 5th arrondissement, France

The Collège Sévigné is a French non-denominational private school.

It is ranked 2nd in the city and 19th in the country by a french weekly magazine.

The school was founded in 1880 by Mathilde Salomon, becoming the first French non-denominational high school for young women, two months before the vote of the "Camille Sée" law establishing public secondary education for young women, and three years before the opening of the Lycée Fenelon. The founders, grouped in an association called "Société pour la propagation de l'instruction parmi les femmes", included Paul Bert (1833–1886), former Minister for Education, and a militant for Public Education. The school became co-educational in 1969.

Collège Sévigné was also the first school in France to open a kindergarten, in 1909.

Famous contributors to the education program at the school have been Alain, Gurevitch, Jankelevitch, Dumezil, Braudel, Mounier, Carcopino, Merleau-Ponty, Jacqueline de Romilly.

The 1935 Nobel Prize for Chemistry winner, Irène Joliot-Curie, daughter of Marie Curie, is one of the alumnae of the school, where she studied from 1912 to 1914 to obtain her Baccalaureat.

The school is only one of three non-denominational private schools in Paris.

The school is located on 28 Rue Pierre-Nicole in the 5th arrondissement.

Collège Sévigné offers classes from kindergarten to the Baccalaureat.

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