- Semimaru
nihongo|"Semimaru" also known as "Semimaro"|蝉丸 was a Japanese poet and musician of the early
Heian period . His name is recorded in the "Ogura Hyakunin Isshu ", but there are no historical accounts of his pedigree. Some accounts say he was a son ofUda Tennō ,Prince Atsumi , or that he was the fourth son ofDaigo Tennō . There are also claims that he lived during the reign ofNinmyō Tennō .He is said to have built his hermitage at
Afusaka no Seki . Supposedly, on seeing the traffic on the road to the capital, he composed the following nihongo|"waka"|和歌waka
reading = koreyakono yuku mo kaheru mo wakaretsutsu shiru mo shiranu mo afusaka no seki
translation = Loosely: those coming and going to the capital ("afusaka" = modernOsaka ); those who know each other, and those who don't; they meet, and then they part— such is nature of the nihongo|Afusaka Gate|逢坂の関|afusaka no seki.
source = "Ogura Hyakunin Isshu " 10For this he became known as nihongo|"Seki no Akagami"|関の明神. For three years while
Minamoto no Hiromasa travelled to the capital regularly, Semimaru is said to have tutored him on the secret nihongo|"biwa "|琵琶 techniques of nihongo|"ryūsen"|流泉 and nihongo|"takuboku"|啄木. Contradictory legends say that he was a blind master of the "biwa", and that he was a sighted common beggar. The above "waka" was famous enough to be included not only in the "Gosen Wakashū " but also in the Imperial anthologies "Shin Kokin Wakashū " and "Zoku Kokin Wakashū ".In "
nō " there is a song called "Sekimaru" that depicts the life of a woman named nihongo|Sakagami|逆髪, who came toAfusaka no Seki and initially got into fights with Semimaru, but eventually both fell in love and later had a painful separation. It is unclear if the Semimaru of this tale is the same Semimaru as the poet of the "Ogura Hyakunin Isshu".Relevant historical landmarks
*nihongo|Semimaru Shrine at the Gate|関蝉丸神社|
Seki no Semimaru Jinja in nihongo|Ōsaka Mountain|逢坂山|ōsakazan,Ōtsu ,Shiga Prefecture .
*A stone grave bearing the name of Semimaru inMiyazaki Village ,Fukui Prefecture .References
*This article is based on material from the .
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.