

Infobox Ort in Deutschland
Art = Stadt
Wappen = Wappen Gueglingen.svg
lat_deg = 49 | lat_min = 4
lon_deg = 9 | lon_min = 0
Lageplan = Gueglingen in HN.pngBundesland = Baden-Württemberg
Regierungsbezirk = Stuttgart
Landkreis = Heilbronn
Gemeindeverwaltungsverband = Oberes Zabergäu
Höhe = 206
Fläche = 16.26
Einwohner = 6124
Stand = 2006-12-31
PLZ = 74363
PLZ-alt = 7129
Vorwahl = 07135
Kfz = HN
Gemeindeschlüssel = 08 1 25 038
Gliederung = 3
Straße = Marktstraße 19-21
Website = [http://www.gueglingen.de/ www.gueglingen.de]
Bürgermeister = Klaus Dieterich

Güglingen is a town in the district of Heilbronn, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. It is situated 18 km southwest of Heilbronn and has more than 6000 inhabitants.


Güglingen is situated in a valley called Zabergäu in the southwest district of Heilbronn.

Neighbouring municipalities

Neighbouring towns and municipalities (clockwise): Pfaffenhofen, Eppingen, Brackenheim, Cleebronn (all of the district of Heilbronn) and Sachsenheim (Ludwigsburg (district)).

Town structure

The town Güglingen consists of Güglingen itself (4,254 inhabitants) with its sections Eibensbach (1,035) and Frauenzimmern (922). Total: 6,211 (dates of June 30th, 2005).


In the Stone Age the communal land of Güglingen was settled in the time of the Romans and Celts. In 2002, two Mithras sanctuaries have been discovered and dug up. By the previous finds it is guessed that the Roman settlement had a surface of 10 hectare.

The village Güglingen was probably founded in the fourth or fifth century and was mentioned documentary in 1188 by a document of emperor Frederick Barbarossa for the first time. In 1295 at the latest the village received town rights. In the early 14. century the town changed to Württemberg. During the Peasants' War 1525 it was the centre of the rebellion in the Zabergäu. Several fires about 1850 brought about bad destructions. After World War II the previous agricultural town changed into a trade and industry site.

The history of Eibensbach is closely connected with the castle "Blankenhorn" built 1220 in the south of the village. Already in the 17. century the castle just was a ruin. During the Hohenstaufen the village belonged to this castle. Until 1808 the village belonged to the department Güglingen, after it was independent and was incorporated to the town Güglingen on January 1, 1975.

Frauenzimmern was first mentioned documentary as "Cimbern" on December 19th, 794. The name of this village goes back to the convent Marienthal existing from 1245 until 1442. Frauenzimmern was incorporated to Güglingen on July 1, 1971.


Each in Güglingen, Eibensbach and Frauenzimmern there is a Protestant parish. The Catholic parish Holy Trinity Güglingen is not only responsible for the town itself but also for the municipalities Pfaffenhofen, Zaberfeld and Cleebronn. In Güglingen there is also a United Methodist Church and New Apostolic Church.


District council

After the municipal election on June 13th, 2004, the district council of Güglingen has 20 seats and consists of:
* Freie Unabhängige Wählervereinigung FUW (12 seats)
* Bürger-Union BU (6 seats)
* Neue Liste NL (2 seats)

Further member of the district council and its chairman is the mayor.


Blazon: In red a silver gugel. The town colours are white and blue.The gugel as a talking arms figure is ascertainable in all seals of Güglingen since 1359. The arms colours stayed unchanged since 1575.

Here are the particular arms of the districts:

Town twinnings

Currently (December 2005), partnerships with
* Dorking, County Surrey, England and
* Auneau, Département Eure-et-Loir, Franceare in preparation.

Culture and sights


The old town hall is supposed to be rebuilt into a Roman museum by the excavations.


The "Mauritiuskirche" in Güglingen was first mentioned in 1241, burned down by the fire 1849 and was rebuilded in 1850. The old department hall, since 1349 timber framing, is currently used as the town hall.

The "Blankenhorn Castle" situated above of Eibensbach was built in 1220 and first mentioned in 1241. The "Marienkirche" of Eibensbach was built in the 14. century, the "Martinskirche" in Frauenzimmern about 1200.


Güglingen has an open-air pool at its disposal.

Economy and infrastructure

In Güglingen is the main site of the world wide acting company "AFRISO-EURO-INDEX GmbH", one of the leading German producer of measure, adjust and supervision gadgets for heating technology, industry and environmental protection. A further significant employer in Güglingen is the company "Weber Hydraulik GmbH" with its German main site and an Austrian dependence.

In the district Eibensbach is the main site of one of the most significant producer of scaffoldings, the company "W. Layher GmbH & Co. KG".


The elementary and secondary school "Katharina-Kepler-Schule" is visited by nearly 750 students, more than 900 students are visiting the secondary modern school in Güglingen. The library, which is open to the public, is supplying more than 16000 media.

External links

* [http://www.gueglingen.de] The official homepage of Güglingen (in German).

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