

Infobox CityIT
img_coa =soave-Stemma.jpg
official_name = Comune di Soave
name = Soave
region = Veneto
province = Verona (VR)
elevation_m = 40
area_total_km2 = 22.67
population_as_of = 2007-06-01
population_total = 6808
population_density_km2 =303
timezone = CET, UTC+1
coordinates = coord|45|25|N|11|14|E
frazioni = Castelletto, Castelcerino, Costeggiola, Fittà
telephone = 045
postalcode = 37038, 37030
gentilic = Soavesi
saint = St. Lawrence
day = august 10
mayor = Gambaretto Lino (since 2007-05-29)
website = []
mapx = 45.416
mapy = 11.22

Soave is a small comune of the Veneto region in the Province of Verona, Italy with a population of roughly 6,800 people.


Soave is located approximately 23 kilometers east of Verona and is reachable by use of the A4 motorway exit Soave-San Bonifacio.


Soave was a Roman center on the via Postumia that connected Aquileia to Genoa. There are different names about the origin of current name: according to one theory, it could derive from the Suebi (sometimes called "Soavi" in medieval Italian).

The castle was cited for the first time in occasion of the Magyar invasions (934). In the 13th century it was a possession of the Counts Greppi, who later ceded it to the commune of Verona, which installed a capitano here. The walls still visible today, were built in 1379 by Cansignorio of the Scaliger family. Their rule was followed by those of the Visconti from Milan and the Carraresi from Padua; the latter lost Soave in 1405 to the Republic of Venice. In 1439 Visconti troops under Niccolò Piccinino captured it back, but Venice regained it soon. During the War of the League of Cambrai (1508), the city was fired and 366 Soavesi killed, but again in 1515 it was reacquired by Venice, which later sold the castle to the Gritti noble family.

In 1797-1805 the city was under French rule. In 1809 there were small fights between French and Austrian troops in the vicinity. Later Soave was included in the kingdom of Lombardy-Venetia, and in 1866 became part of Italy.

Main sights


The Castle of Soave is a typical medieval military edifice, commanding the neighbourhood of the city from the Tenda Hill. It comprises a "mastio" (donjon) and three lines of walls forming three courts of different size. The outer line, with a gate and a draw bridge, is the most recent, built by the Venetians in the 15th century. It houses the remains of a small church from the 10th century. The second and larger court, the first of the original castle, is called "della Madonna" for a fresco portraying St. Mary (1321). Another fresco is visible after the door leading to the inner court, and portrays a Scaliger soldier. The "mastio" is the most impressive feature of the castle. Bones found within have showed it was used also as prison and place of tortures. The House called "del Capitano" (the Scaliger commander) houses Roman coins, weapons parts, medals and other ancient remains found during the most recent restoration. Adiacent is a bedroom with a 13th century fresco with St. Mary and Madeleine and a dining room with medieval kitchenware. Another room houses the portraits of the most famous Scaliger figures: Mastino I, Cangrande, Cansignorio and Taddea da Carrara, wife of Mastino II; the portrait of Dante Alighieri testify an alleged sojourn of the poet in the castle.


*The Scaliger Walls, built by Cansignorio della Scala. In origin there were three gates ("Porta Aquila", now Porta Bassano, "Porta Vicentina" and "Porta Verona"). Two sides (west and south) are backed by a moat.
*"Palazzo di Giustizia" ("Justice Palace"), built in 1375 by Cansignorio della Scala.
*Scaliger Palace, near Porta Aquila, also commissioned by Cansignorio. It was the residence of the "pretori" and governors of the city and, during the Venetian rule, of the "Capitani". It a noteworthy garden.
*"Palazzo Cavalli" (1411). The façade had once frescoes with mythological figures attributed to Giovanni Maria Falconetto.
*The "Chiesa Parrocchiale" (Parish Church). Built in 1758 over the pre-existing main church, and enlarged in 1884, it houses precious 16th paintings.
*"Santa Maria dei Domenicani" church (1443, later rebuilt in the same century).
*Church of "San Rocco", built in the 15th century of a Roman cemetery.
*The church of "San Giorgio". Until the plague of 1630 housed 15th-16th century, now almost entirely lost.
*The Sanctuary of "Santa Maria della Bassanella", consecrated in 1098 and renovated in the 20th century. It has noteworthy frescoes (14th century) depicting St. Benedict, St. Scholastica and other saints.


* The 3rd Sunday of each month, “ [ Antique Trade Market] ” in the Historical Centre.
* The 3rd Sunday of January “ [ Montefortiana Attraversa Soave] ”. Runner Race in the land of Soave white wine with more than 15.000 Italian and European walkers.
* The 2nd Sunday of February “The Agriculture Fair”. Panorama of the agricultural sector.
* The 2nd Sunday of March “ [ 15th Camera Soave] ”. An international show of collection and photo culture. Antique trade and modern photo show.
* From 25 to 27 April 2008 – “ [ Soave 2008 Guitar Festival] ” Electric and acoustic guitar exhibition and shows with international music guest-star.
* The 3rd Sunday of May, “ [ Medieval White Wine Festival] ”. Among the events: the evocative Ladies of Castle Investiture Ceremony, Medieval Banquet on the previous Friday.
* The 4th Sunday of May “ [ Mineral Exhibition] ” at the Palazzo del Capitano.
* In the summer 2008: “ [ Camera Soave Estate] ”. During the event will take place: “Camera Antique Exhibition” and “Glamour Soave”.
* The 1st Sunday of June, “ [ Soave Bike] ”. Mountain bike tour along the Soave White Wine Road.
* The 3rd Sunday of June, “ [ Music and Wine] ”. Music parade with the Soave town brass band and others international bands.
* The last Saturday of June, the “ [ European Choral Festival] ”, held by the Coro Città di Soave.
* On July, Music in Palace, “ [ Music at the Palazzo del Capitano] ”.
* Each Thursday of July and August, “ [ Cinema at Zanella’s Park] ”. Open air movie in the Park.
* In the end of August – beginning of September “ [ Soave Theatre Festival] ”. Shows and more… it will take place in the castle or in Palazzo del Capitano.
* On September “ [ Soave Versus] ”. Soave white wines to compete against other white wines to find the best. The event will take place in “Palazzo del Capitano”, where the best wines will be judged by the people.
* The 3rd week of September, “ [ the Grape Festival] ”. The first one to be held in Italy, born in 1929 thanks to an idea of dr. Zannini, president of the cooperative Wine Grower’s association.
* The 3rd week-end of September, “ [ Artisti a Palazzo] ”, art and music with “ Gruppo Soave in Arte”.
* On 10 th, 11 th and 12 th October “ [ Chocolando] ”. After the 1st successful edition, Soave welcomes “Chocolate Masters” for three sweet days.

ee also

*Soave (wine)
* [ How to get around]
* []
* [ Contact "Confederazione Italiana Campeggiatori" (Italian camping confederation)]
* [ Images from Soave - February 2006]

province of Verona

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