Sarumaru no Taifu

Sarumaru no Taifu

nihongo|"Sarumaru no Taifu", also known as "Sarumaru no Dayū"|猿丸大夫|sarumaru no taifu/dayū was a waka poet in the early Heian period. He is a member of the nihongo|Thirty Six Poetic Sages|三十六歌仙|sanjūrokkasen, but there are no detailed histories or legends about him. There is a possibility that there never was such a person. Some believe him to have been Prince Yamashiro no Ōe.

Poetry example

The following "waka" is attributed to Taifu. It is a classic nihongo|Autumn Poem|秋歌|aki no uta.

reading=oku yama ni momiji fumiwake nakushika no kowe kiku toki zo aki ha kanashiki
translation=loosely: Deep in the mountains, as I hear the cries of deer walking through "momiji"— Oh! How sad the Autumn feels to me!
source="Kokinshū" 4:??, and also in "Ogura Hyakunin Isshu"


*Papinot, Edmond (1910). Historical and geographical dictionary of Japan. Tokyo: Librarie Sansaisha.
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